Tips For Healing Earth



Environmental healing often requires changes in deeply ingrained habits, much like dieting, smoking cessation, and downsizing. Our habits exist because they provide rewards that we seek despite negative side effects. It takes time and patience. Research shows that the following things are necessary to successfully modify habits in a sustainable way:

  • deep love and gratitude for your life and world
  • understanding how your behavior is harmful to yourself, others, and the world
  • understanding the personal and community benefits of change
  • knowledge of what social, physical and psychological forces trigger harmful behavior
  • ideas for alternative behaviors to replace harmful ones attainable goals
  • ways of measuring progress
  • rewards for moving toward your goal
  • support from other people who participate in your effort

Rather than just providing “to do” lists, information about these factors, including formation of a UUC support group, will be included in this column.

Today’s Tips:

  1. Spend time outdoors and feel the miracle of your existence and the other life forms around you. Do you feel gratitude or fear for your life and nature?
  2. Listen to Joanna Macy about Active Hope:

More Tips

Nurturing Healthful Connections Tips for Healing Earth #2

Your Carbon Footprint Tips for Healing Earth #3

Home Energy-1 Tips for Healing Earth #4

Home Energy-2 Tips for Healing Earth #5

Home Energy-3 Tips for Healing Earth #6

Home Energy-4 Tips for Healing Earth #7

Home Energy-5 Tips for Healing Earth #8

Home Energy-6 Tips for Healing Earth #9

The Power of Talk Tips for Healing Earth #10

From Anxiety to Action Tips for Healing Earth #11

Home Energy-7 Tips for Healing Earth #12

Home Energy-8 Tips for Healing Earth #13

Interbeing Tips for Healing Earth #14

Interbeing-2 Tips for Healing Earth #15

Home energy Tips for Healing Earth #16

Climate Allies Tips for Healing Earth #17

Climate Psychology Tips for Healing Earth #18

Transportation Tips for Healing Earth #19

Regional Allies Tips for Healing Earth #20


Next: Nurturing Healthful Connections