Community Member Directory

Log on to the congregation directory, Breeze

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To set up Breeze access: If you are a UUCville member email Sean Skally, if you are new to UUCville email

Using Breeze

  1. Log on to Breeze to see your contact information, giving history, and membership status. You can also make donations through Breeze.
  2. Congregation members can see names and contact information for other members. They cannot see any other personal information.
  3. You can join the directory without signing the  membership book. Then you can see others’ names but no contact information.
  4. If you would like to have your contact information excluded from the member directory, please email Sean Skally.

Keep your information up-to-date

It’s easy to edit your contact information in Breeze. Keep your information up-to-date so you get our newsletters, congregational meeting invitations, and other important information. You can opt out of newsletters but remain in the directory if you would like, just ask Sean.

Every year we follow-up with members who are not actively participating or donating to ask if they want to remain active members. Those who don’t reply are archived, and can no longer vote in congregational meetings, chair committees or hold congregationally elected offices. You can be reinstated as an active member by contacting the office or the membership committee. Reinstated members cannot vote in congregational meetings until 30 days after reinstatement.

Check your membership status

In order to vote at the Congregational Meeting, you must be a member of UUCville.  To check your membership status, log on to Breeze and click on “My Profile.”  At the bottom of the page, you will see a section called “Membership Information,” which includes your membership status.  If it says “member,” you are all set!  If you think the system is incorrect, please contact Sean.