Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do we decide on a budget for UUCville?

The Finance Committee, Treasurer, Board and Ministerial staff consider priorities for the coming fiscal year. The Finance Committee and the Treasurer assess past revenues and  expenditures and, with assistance of the Vice President, meet with various committees and the UUCville staff to determine requested budget line items. The Personnel Committee makes recommendations to the Finance Committee for staff salaries and benefits. The Finance Committee prepares a draft budget and at the conclusion of the Annual Pledge Drive completes the proposed budget for Board review and approval.  The Board presents the finalized budget for congregational approval at the annual Congregation meeting in the spring.  The current budget can be found at

I have an idea or a concern for UUCville.  Who should I talk to?

We’re so glad you asked! We welcome hearing from our congregants and friends!

If you have an idea, suggestion or comment, please email our Lead Minister, Rev. Tim, at or our Board President, at

If you have a question or concern about building use, please contact our Director of Administration and Finance,

If you have an idea or feedback about congregational communications, please contact

If you are not sure who to contact, please email our Office Assistant, at, and they will help you find the right person.

What does our Board do? How do things get done at UUCville?

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of our congregation. To that end, our Board sets policies and strives to ensure that our congregation is living its mission and achieving its goals. The Board works in partnership with church staff to set priorities and monitor our progress. We welcome your comments.

The day-to-day leadership and management of our congregation are done by our professional staff. Revs. Tim and Leia oversee our ministries and programs. Our Director of Administration and Finance handles most matters related to building use, maintenance, and tracking church finances.

I want to get more involved. What are my options?

Hooray for you!

There are many ways to get involved from community social activities (Covenant Groups, Discussion Groups & Soul Matters Groups) to volunteer opportunities in social justice, environmental action, religious education, leadership, pastoral care, or joining a committee.

There are several small groups that meet regularly:
For elders:
For other small groups, you can find information here:

A good place to start looking for volunteer opportunities is the volunteer webpage of our website: This page gives information about volunteering on Sundays and gives links to many other opportunities.

If you would like to participate in a social or environmental justice activity, you can find them here:

If you are interested in being an adult advisor in children and youth RE you can find more information about our programs at or you can contact Rev. Leia at

If you would like to take an adult RE class you can find the current offerings here:

If you have other questions or have interests not addressed here, please email: and we will find the right place for you!

Who does what at UUCville?

Great question! Here is a link to the webpage that answers many questions on who does what, how to get things done, our committees and other operating groups.