Questions for Consideration: Identity

As always, don’t treat these questions like “homework” or a list that needs to be covered in its entirety.  Instead, simply pick the one question that speaks to you most and let it lead you where you need to go. The goal of these questions is not to help you...

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The Talk of TJMC – We welcome you…

During the Presidential campaign, then candidate Donald Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the country.  To be “fair,” he has defended his ban as simply being a precautionary measure of banning for 90 days entry into the United States travelers from seven specific countries — Iran, Iraq, Libya,...

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January 22, 2017: The Prophetic Role

“After a long absence, The Twilight Zone returns with one of the most ambitious, expensive and controversial productions in broadcast history.”  This description of a then still upcoming television program was published in a Scottish newspaper last week.  It continues, “Sci-fi writers have dabbled often with alternative history stories –...

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A Minister’s Musings: Doing Nothing …

This coming Friday — January 20th — is the day on which Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States.  There will be, not surprisingly, protests and demonstrations as well, but “the eyes of the world” will be on the West Lawn of the...

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Thoughts on Stewardship – January 2017

In November, shortly after the election, I wrote a piece on my blog about one way of responding to the events leading up to, and which will most certainly follow on, the election of Donald Trump.  A great many organizations — well-known and well-respected organizations, as well as more recent...

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The Talk of TJMC – Statements of Support and Solidarity

The situation of Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy and his tweets continues to be a rather heated topic of conversation for people in the wider community and, I know, among some within ours.  It is a situation which would appear to put different values at odds with one another.  There are those...

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Words of Wikstrom – December 2016

We’re continuing our ongoing exploration of what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, this month asking, “What does it mean to be a people of presence?”  Not surprising, perhaps, the word “presence” has a few different meanings.  Interestingly, two of them appear to be contradictions! You can speak about...

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