The Talk of TJMC – (October 2018, Inheritance)

Spiritual Exercises This month these suggested spiritual exercise are directly linked with the months Questions to Consider. Usually, we’re invited to look at the Questions and see where they take us intellectually or emotionally.  This month we are asked to let the questions lead us into action–into some real-life action...

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October 21, 2018: Leaves, Branches, Trunk, and Roots

You can find it in the myths and folklore of pretty much all Mesoamerican cultures; it shows up in lot’s of other cultures, too.  Hungarians called it, “égig érő fa,” the Sky-High Tree, and “életfa,” the Tree of Life.  To the Norse it was, “Yggdrasil,” the World Tree.  At the base of which...

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October 7, 2018: Eve Was Framed

There’s a joke I’ve always loved, but always have to look up to make sure I get it right.  When I looked it up (again) this week I discovered that in a 2005 poll in the UK it had been voted the funniest religious joke: I was walking across a bridge one...

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September 30, 2018: A Reason to Hope

As I listened on Thursday to the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, I knew that what I’d planned to reflect on this morning had to be set aside.  This happens to preachers from time to time.  I’ve had it happen as late as while I was stepping into the pulpit.  I know...

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September 9, 2018: Balloon Sunday!

Ganesh and Blessings for New Beginnings OPENING When I was in college, I spent four months in Sri Lanka, which is a country on the other side of the world, near India.  I lived with a family there.  One day, we were setting out on a trip.  As we left town, we stopped...

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September 2, 2018: In-Gathering Water Communion

Water is pretty awesome. 50% – 60% of the human body is made up of water.  Did you know that?  50% – 60%.  And some 75% — ¾ — of the earth’s surface is covered in water.  (Some people say we shouldn’t call our planet “Earth;” we should have called it, “Water.”)  Life on this...

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August 5, 2018: Walking the High Wire

It was 7:00 am on August 7th, 44 year’s ago. A young man, one week shy of his 25th birthday,  stood with one foot on the edge of a building, and the other foot on a steel cable ¾ of an inch in diameter. The man was French wire walker Philippe Petit;...

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July 29, 2018: Here We Have Gathered

Opening Words: As a people—a people of faith—that say we are committed to justice, compassion, and equity. As a faith that says we are committed to the inherent worth and dignity of all people. As a faith that says we are committed to respect for the interdependent web of all...

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July 22, 2018: Curiouser and Curiouser

Opening Words: It is common in a great many Unitarian Universalist congregations for the settled preacher to offer what’s often called a “Question Box Sermon” – congregants write questions on index cards, which are then collected and which the preacher does her best to answer.  I first encountered this practice...

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July 15, 2018: Cheers!

In the late 80s, early 90s, Sam, Diane, and, of course, Norm, were household names.   They were part of the TV “family” that gathered in a fictional Boston bar, and whose various ups and downs and absurdities formed the content of each episode.  The heart of the show, though, was the idea...

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