November 6, 2016: Truth and Story

It begins with a stoning and it ends with a stoning, and in between there are some important teachings about truth and judgement, and there’s one big challenge.  That’s my 15-second synopsis of the 8th chapter of the Gospel of John, the passage my friend, and your pastor, suggested that each...

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October 2, 2016: The Wounded Healer

Read the Order of service. Most of us take a lot of care to keep our most wounded, most vulnerable parts of ourselves as out of sight as possible.  We want to show the world our strengths, not our weaknesses.  Yet all deep spiritualties agree that our woundedness is, paradoxically, our...

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Words of Wikstrom – September 2016

Considering Covenants We continue this year our practice of asking ourselves each month a question as a way of shaping our faith exploration.  That question is, “What does it mean to be a community of … ?”  Each month we’ll look at a different way we could describe what it...

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Erik Walker Wikstrom

Thoughts on Stewardship – September 2016

With the start of a new school year we feel a new start in the life of the congregation as well.  People who’ve been away for the summer, or whose lives have just been too full with the demands and opportunities of summer, are “coming home.”  Our children’s and youth’s...

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Joys and Sorrows – September 2016

The Joys and Sorrows of Joys and Sorrows By Rev. Alex McGee Worship is an opportunity to gather in love and for reflection.  The sharing of Joys and Sorrows is a widely debated topic among UU groups:  whether this sharing enhances or detracts from the worshipful gathering?  Our goal is...

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Alexandra McGee

A Time for Staying – Rev. Alex McGee

In this article, drawn from her July 10 sermon, Rev. Alex shares about her decision in May to candidate at the UU congregation in Charleston, West Virginia, and her subsequent decision not to move. The poet Robert Frost wrote a poem called The Road Less Taken about a traveler who...

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From The President – August 2016

by Karen Ransom Okay, I have to admit that coming up with something to write about this month for the bulletin has been a challenge for me. Not that I don’t have tons of ideas and thoughts and wishes for the church, but crafting it for publication can be hard....

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July 10, 2016: The Road More Travelled

Read the Order of Service Thanks to Christine Gresser for brainstorming and reflecting together and contributing metaphors and phrases for this sermon. THE ROAD MORE TRAVELLED The poet Robert Frost wrote a poem called The Road Less Taken about a traveller who comes upon a fork in a road.  The...

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April 17, 2016: Different Strokes

Worship for April 2016: “What does it mean to be a people of creation?” Read the Order of Service. Reading:  1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Guest Speaker: the Rev. Dr. Lehman Bates of Ebenezer Baptist Church Sermon: One Body; Many Parts; All Not (Yet) Equal It is really wonderful to be back at what is beginning to feel...

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