July 14, 2019: What Does Love Ask of Me

The service was led by Rev. Alex McGee, Assistant Minister and Bob Gross, Worship Weaver. This text and notes are generally what I said from the pulpit, but some extemporizing and changes occurred during delivery.  Please give credit when citing sources. For today, I picked the sermon title “What Does...

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March 24, 2019: Why Am I Sitting Here?

There is a story in the Hebrew Scriptures about a man named Nehemiah.  You might be expecting me to tell the story of Queen Esther and how she outed herself as Jewish just after the King declared his intention to exterminate all of the Jews in his kingdom, saving her people.  That’s the story that’s the...

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The Talk of TJMC – Do You Want to Make More of an IMPACT?

Last week I wrote a bit about the social justice ministry IMPACT (or, “Interfaith Movement Promoting Action by Congregations Together”).  I noted that it’s an example of congregation-based community organizing, a form of community organizing that leverages the power of faith communities (in which large groups of people are already gathered) to affect...

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March 17, 2019: Be Here Our Guest

What makes you feel at home?  What makes you feel welcome? That’s not a rhetorical question.  Really … what makes you feel welcome and at home? I read an article this week in which the author pondered this question.  She came to the conclusion that she felt most at home, most welcome, when the...

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March 10, 2019: Transformation

INTRO We are just a week and half away from the first day of spring.  The world around us is doing its annual transformation.  And we humans have a chance to think about transformations in our lives, also.  The butterfly is a class example because of its change from egg...

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March 3, 2019: I Dream a World

Langston Hughes wrote “I Dream a World” in 1929.  34 years before the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. famously talked about his dream in front of approximately a quarter of a million people at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. Another 49 years would pass before the UUA published the Tapestry of Faith curricula, “Building the World We Dream...

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February 17, 2019: Grace

The choir just sang what is easily one of the most recognizable hymns ever composed.  (And the arrangement was by our own Scott DeVeaux.)  “Amazing Grace” was written in the mid-1700s by a preacher named John Newton.  As a young man Newton served as a mate on a slave ship...

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