Sunday Summer Playground Activities

SUNDAY SUMMER PLAYGROUND FUN Starting Sunday July 31, join your friends for playground fun from 11:00-12PM. This is our summer offering until the church year begins in September. RE Assistant Caroline Heins has put together some super fun activities for each week including bubbles, Lego play, and more. Summer Sunday...

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UU Cville Yard Sale

Furniture and Housewares Drop Off Days: Tues & Sat

Donations for the Furniture and Housewares sale can be dropped off at Summit House porch on Tuesdays and Saturdays between 9 am and noon.   Save the Date: Furniture and Housewares Sale will be held Saturday, August 20th 8:00 am-noon, Donate furniture and housewares only please! Can also bring things Sunday...

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July/August Art Show: Sara Gondwe

An award-winning, mixed media artist, Gondwe enjoys the freedom of combining mediums, found objects, and experimenting with melted crayons, nail polish, etc.  Scraping bits of crayons onto canvas, wood, glass or metal, the iron becomes her paintbrush.  She slides, tips, lays it down flat, blending the colors — creating a...

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President’s Report to the Board: June, 2022

From Board President, Pam McIntire This last month at UUCville was yet another month filled with challenges, appreciation and changes. It was very hard to say goodbye to our beloved Rev. Linda at the end of our interim ministry years. She guided us with clarity and love through one of...

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UUCville Facilities Use Guide for UUCville groups

Our goal is to cause as little harm as possible to those in our community and congregation who are the most susceptible to COVID-19. With this in mind, our guidelines are more cautious than the State or Federal Guidelines. We appreciate your cooperation with keeping our congregation safe.

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A time to grieve, a time to re-commit

Here are thoughts on the Supreme Court decision on abortion from the Unitarian Universalists’ Side with Love team. Earlier today, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson case. The final opinion effectively overturned Roe v. Wade and eliminated federal protections for...

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Connie Cheetham Award 2022: Ann Salamini

Each year our congregation recognizes a pillar of the church. This is someone who for years has held us up with steadiness and labor, cheerfully being there when work, thoughtfulness and dedication was needed. This year’s recipient is Ann Salamini whose list of committees and task forces and special project...

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