A Busy Week For UUCville Board of Trustees

Last week was a busy week for UUCville’s board! At Wednesday’s board meeting we heard updates on the Summit House HVAC renovation and discussed the process of changing the signage in front of the building. We will continue to revisit both of these building projects in the upcoming board meetings. Rev. Tim also discussed his own ideas on the role of the board in the congregation. He shared that the Board needs to conduct the business of the church, but also needs to devote time to the mission and vision in every meeting. Keeping this in mind is how we will properly set the congregation up for success in living its mission.

These ideas were put into practice at our Saturday retreat where we connected more deeply with one another, reflected on our UU faith, and brainstormed on what achieving our four developmental goals would look like for our congregation. This was the first of many steps towards understanding “how” we will do this! After breaking into teams to look more carefully at each goal we will share back a synthesis at our September board meeting.

Congregation members are always welcome to attend our board meetings, or, if that isn’t your cup of tea, you can find the minutes on the website. The next meeting is on September 28th and we would love to have you there!

Submitted with appreciation,

Hayley Owens

Read the Minutes of the August 2022 Meeting