President Pam McIntire’s Report to the Board: January 2023

Exciting things are happening at UUCville in this time of Developmental Ministry. Rev Tim, Rev Leia, the board and the whole congregation are making progress on our Developmental Goals. It is heartening to witness our congregation working together with such clear intention!   For Goal 1, the board appointed a...

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IMPACT Nehemiah Action Meeting March 21

The name “IMPACT” stands for “Interfaith Movement Promoting Action by Congregations Together.” Consisting of 26 congregations in Charlottesville and Albemarle County, including ours, IMPACT members identify important community problems and pursue solutions to promote justice for all members of our community.  In October, Network Members met to decide which problems to...

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A New Sign Is Coming!

Exciting Update on the New Rugby Road Sign We reached our fundraising goal of $5,000 to replace the letters on the Rugby Road brick wall. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this possible!  A special thanks to the anonymous donors who started our fundraising campaign with a $2,500 matching donation. We can all look forward...

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January/February Art Show: Boz Art Group

Christine Rich I have been passionate about creating art since childhood. The combination of realistic subject matter with abstract designs has been one of my goals. Watercolor to me is the most exciting medium, being full of surprises and allowing numerous techniques. I’m a member of the Virginia Watercolor Society,...

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Create a Heart Map

Georgia Heard came up with this idea to help students identify that which was most core, most important, and most beloved to them. The idea is to draw a large heart on a piece of paper (or download a heart here), and then to fill that space with that which...

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IMPACT is tackling community problems!

Our UU Congregation of Charlottesville (UUCville) has been a part of the inter-denominal organization IMPACT from its’ beginning in 2006. The name “IMPACT” stands for “Interfaith Movement Promoting Action by Congregations Together”. Consisting of 26 congregations in Charlottesville and Albemarle County, IMPACT members identify important community problems and pursue solutions...

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Board of Trustees Meeting Report – December 2022

The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on zoom. We received some appreciation from our guests.  First for Rev. Tim’s thoughtful sermons that cover large scopes of how other religious traditions tie in nicely with our Unitarian Universalist values.  He was thanked for bringing his humility forward while...

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