Will You Help to Make an IMPACT?

Several members of the UU Congregation of Charlottesville met recently to plan actions to address problems in our community – specifically the needs for affordable housing, preschool childcare, and healthier, more convenient mass transit. These three problem areas are the focus for this years’ UU Charlottesville Network Members who are part of an organization of 26 congregations in our community called IMPACT.

Many of you will remember that our congregation was a founding member of IMPACT in 2007! Since then, every year various members of our congregation have worked on selected community problems: collecting information, attending committee and Board meetings to develop and present proposals for improvement to our elected City and County leaders.

Now that the three problem areas for this year are identified and proposals are being developed, the 15 Network Members of UU Charlottesville will be inviting others from our congregation to

ATTEND ONE ACTION MEETING (Called the Nehemiah Action)
ON TUESDAY, MARCH 21st from 6:30-8pm at the
Martin Luther King Performing Arts Center at Charlottesville High School.

Our goal is to have 100 members from UU Charlottesville attend along with hundreds of other congregants to demonstrate to our elected leaders that people in our community support action steps to improve housing, childcare, and transportation. Specific action steps will be presented, and members of City Council and County Board of Supervisors will respond to requests for action.

The meeting will be convenient for all ages and abilities with childcare, off-site parking and shuttles, and Spanish translation. Some groups are planning ‘tailgate’ gatherings ahead of the meeting to make it festive.

ARE YOU WILLING AND ABLE TO COME? We want the UU Congregation to show up and make an IMPACT! Many of you will be invited by UU Charlottesville Network Members via phone and/or email.

If you’re not contacted directly, please let us know if you want to attend by calling or emailing our IMPACT Network Co-Chairs: Kelsey Cowger (520-704-5337) or Hayley Owens (434-998-0945) IMPACT@uucharlottesville.org

We’ll see you March 21st at the ACTION Meeting!!