We Need You For a Very Important Mission!

This Sunday after the service, we need you to sign up for a cottage conversation as we develop a new mission/purpose for UUCville. The conversations will be held between mid-February and mid-March and will include both in person and online options. You only need to sign up for one of...

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President Pam McIntire’s Report to the Board: January 2023

Exciting things are happening at UUCville in this time of Developmental Ministry. Rev Tim, Rev Leia, the board and the whole congregation are making progress on our Developmental Goals. It is heartening to witness our congregation working together with such clear intention!   For Goal 1, the board appointed a...

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Dedication of the Monarch Butterfly Garden

The new Monarch Butterfly Garden on Edgewood Lane has emerged under the leadership of Sallie Kate Park, with the support of members of the Active Minds group and members of the Garden and Grounds Committee. It will honor Rev. Alexandra McGee’s ministry with the UU Congregation of Charlottesville, and will...

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Elders Garden Party 2022

The Garden Party honoring the Elders on Saturday, October 8th was a resounding success. Thank you to all who helped host, give rides, prepare food and flowers and even those who attended.  When we get together, we can’t help but create the village to which we are so honored to...

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