Rev. Susan Karlson—In Her Own Words

Rev. Susan pledges to UUCville because she believes in the values and mission of our congregation. She sees UUCville as a place where individuals come together to foster spiritual growth, promote social justice, and provide support to those in need. Her pledge reflects her dedication to the congregation’s initiatives and...

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Words of Thanks

”Words of Thanks” sends thanks to each and everyone who submitted mealtime blessings! The submission period is over… All good things come to a close and the submission period for providing mealtime graces is over. For the last three months, we have had a soulful experience of receiving, reading, enjoying,...

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Board of Trustees October 25th, 2023 Meeting Highlights

Highlights from the Meeting: The Buildings Committee and the Board discussed the needed repairs to the Summit House porch and ramps. The Board approved using $15,000 in Endowment Funds and $12,000 in Capital Reserve Funds for the project, currently estimated at a cost of $38,000. A fundraising campaign will be...

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President’s Report to the Board: September 2023

At our Board Retreat in September, I started to see how our strategic plan can lead to an even stronger Social and Environmental Justice movement in our congregation. Rev Tim explained how groups can move to working on the upstream causes of suffering and injustice while continuing to work on...

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Sunday September 10th Service Fair

Are you looking for ways to put your UU faith into action? Now is the time to find your place to put love into action! Whether it’s volunteering to further a ministry, reach out to the larger community, or serve our own beloved congregation … there is a place for each and...

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President’s Report: August 2023

President’s Report to the Board: August 2023 As the new school year begins, I feel like there is increasing energy to take a new look at the big picture of UUCville Congregational life. It is a time for taking a comprehensive look at all that we do, how we do...

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New Mission Statement Approved at Congregational Meeting

  Fulfilling one of our Developmental Ministry Goals, UUCville adopted a new Mission Statement at the congregational meeting held on June 4, 2023.  We hope that it will speak to the hearts and minds of our congregants and to the broader world. Mission Task Force co-chairs Jeanine Braithwaite and Chris...

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Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville – 2023 Slate of Candidates for Board of Trustees and Committees

The Nominating Committee is pleased to present the 2022-2023 slate of candidates for the Board of Trustees and committee positions. We will vote for the Board of Trustees and other leadership positions at the annual congregational meeting on Sunday, June 4, 2023. For more information about the Congregational Meeting click...

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Afghan family - Refugee Welcome. Front Row: Breck Gastinger, Nasrat, Haji Muhammad, Hikmat, Saeeda, Regina White, and her daughter Second Row: Lara Gastinger, Sharon Baiocco , Burnie Davis, Rev. Tim Temersen

Rev. Tim Meets the Ghaznavis

Front Row: Breck Gastinger, Nasrat, Haji Muhammad, Hikmat, Saeeda, Regina White, and her daughterSecond Row: Lara Gastinger, Sharon Baiocco , Burnie Davis, Rev. Tim Temersen May 10, 2023Sharon Baiocco On a beautiful May morning, Rev. Tim met with the Afghan family of four whom our congregation has been assisting through...

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