2022-2023 Social Action Collection Applications Open

Have an area non-profit that you are involved with and love? Would others in at UUCville appreciate learning about them and how to support them as well? Could this organization benefit from a couple of thousand dollars? Yes? Great! Consider sponsoring them for next year’s Social Action Collection. The Social...

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Hope Is Our Door – Sunday Drawing Showcase

During worship on Sunday March 27, everyone was invited to add their hopes for our congregation to a special page created by Jude Bias. Here are some of the completed drawings. More coloring pages are available. We invite you to add your hopes to our collaborative mural in the church...

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Hope is our Door — Last Day of 2022 Pledge Drive

The 2022-2023 Pledge Drive Ends Today!   Every member is invited to update their pledge card on file. Pledge cards do not roll over, so please fill out your form today for the 2022-2023 church year (click here for the current pledge total). With your pledge, you bring your dollars, your...

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Tips for Healing Earth #20 – 4/1/2022

Tips for Healing Earth #20 – 4/1/2022 Regional Allies Healing earth takes lots of collaboration, from the local to the global level.  Today we focus on two regional allies that would welcome your help.  Both offer many opportunities for people in our area to join the good fight for the...

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Building Use Update March 29th, 2022

We have officially moved into phase YELLOW. This means we can have up to 100 people in the sanctuary and 30 in the social hall. N95 or KN95 masks are still required indoors and will be provided. We are still prohibiting eating and drinking in the building. We ask that...

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Refugee Welcome 4/1/22: PROGRESS!

Our refugee outreach continues, while war rages in Europe and more refugees arrive in the U.S. Most Afghan refugee families, in particular, are caught in the legal limbo described here. This inspiring story about helping Afghan refugees landed close to the heart, several of our mentors have said. Locally, there...

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Tips for Healing Earth #19

#19 – 3/25/2022 Transportation – Personal Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) The EPA reports that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation account for about 29 percent of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, making it the largest contributor of U.S. GHG emissions.  And these emissions are increasing. Generation180 notes that “Driving electric...

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Board Report 3/23

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville Board met on 3/23/22, with all members in attendance. The Board’s three focus areas this week were reports on the pledge drive and the budget, a check-in about building reopening, and a preview of the next three months. The 2022-2023 pledge drive is going...

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Opening Our Doors

This Sunday, March 20, we are opening the doors to UUCVille’s sanctuary once again! Welcome to those who want to be together in person, and who are fully vaccinated and wearing high-quality masks. Welcome as well to those who will join us on-line only, and who join in the community...

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We are halfway through the month of March and halfway through our annual pledge drive! Why are we talking about money in our numerous emails and texts, and in Sunday services each week? Because funding your congregation’s mission and ministry is what will bring your hopes into being, and as...

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