We Need Everyone’s Help Now!

If you have not yet pledged for 2022-2023, please do so Now!

If you have pledged for 2022-2023, thank you! Can you do a little more?

Please pay this current year’s pledge as soon as you can.

Make a one-time additional donation for this year.

Reality Check:
Here is the frank report of where we are:

For Next Year – Our current pledged total for 2022-2023 is $40,000 short of our goal.  Although we added 13 new pledgers to our total, we still have not heard from 40 pledgers from last year.

It is still not too late!

If you haven’t pledged DO IT NOW, before we have to start trimming into the bone.

If you have already pledged, consider whether you could increase your pledge by 5%, or whatever you can manage.
(Email pledgetracker@uucharlottesville.org to increase your pledge)



This Current Year – We are struggling to finish this year in the black, without needing to use our reserves.  Our income was severely hurt by decreased rentals and fundraisers, due to our Covid-related building closures. The staff has already trimmed expenses to bring in savings of close to $15,000.

How can you help?

40 of our pledgers for this current 2021-2022 fiscal year have not yet made any financial contribution to honor their pledge. Please honor your pledge by the end of May.

Make a one-time additional donation now, even if you have fulfilled your pledge!

Everyone can help make the Spring UUsed Bazaar a big success. Click here for info https://uucharlottesville.org/uused-bazaar

Join the planning team to organize another spring fundraising event that will bring us all together and offer a chance to make gifts.

Click here to make an online donation for this year and to pledge for the next.



Many thanks to everyone who supports our congregation through pledges and donations.  UUCville’s mission of “coming together in love, reaching out in service” can be sustained only through the financial support of all members and friends.