An Easter Thank You Note

Easter Sunday was a glorious day at UUCville, with a hundred children, youth and adults gathered and helping with the soup and salad luncheon, and the activities for children.  We cannot name all – but a special “thank you” to lunch crew Lorie Craddock, Beth Jaeger-Landis, Elizabeth Breeden, David Shutt, Christine Gresser, Danny Gray;  and for children’s activities: Caroline Heins,Shannon Skally, Sunny DeVeaux, Ian and Erin Sanders, Patty Wallens, Maggie Record, Deb Harkrader, Bonnie Hansen, Emily Kingsley, Dana Redick, Jen Smith, the Chapman Family, the RePass Family, Nancy Hurrelbrinck, Lily and Stacy Bolling, John Griffith, and Erin and Cathy Sanders.