Online meetings are a good way to keep up connections at church. You can use Zoom for covenant groups, committee meetings, or just to get together with your church friends.
We have a subscription to Zoom which allows us to hold longer meetings with more people than you can with the Zoom free service. However we can only host one meeting at a time, so you need to book your meeting in advance.
To arrange a meeting, please email staff. Staff will set up a Zoom meeting for you and send you a URL that people can use to login.
Before you hold a meeting, here are some materials on how to use Zoom and how to run a Zoom meeting.
Zoom etiquette: tips for running a Zoom meeting
How to use Zoom, basics in PowerPoint
If you want more one-on-one help, please call 434-293-8179 to set up an over-the-phone training.
Read Sean’s letter on helping and connecting with others while maintaining social distance.