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February’s Ministry Theme:
The Practice of Inclusion

11 a.m. Sunday, February 23 , 2025

Rev. Tim Temerson & Greg Townsend
 “Why Unitarian Universalism is a DEI Religion”

Few things have been more maligned than programs promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Today’s service will deepen our understanding of the importance of DEI and explore why Unitarian Universalism is committed to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Rev. Tim will be joined by Greg Townsend, who has served as the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the UVA Medical School.

Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.


Sustainable Eating Potluck
Bring a veggie or vegan dish to share.

Children & Youth 

11:00 AM
Children’s Program
Celebrating Me & My World (infant through 4 years-old)
Our lesson is “My World Has Fish.” We’ll be going magnet fishing and celebrating the beauty and wonder of our finned friends and our wonderful world.Spirit Play (4 years-old through Kindergarten)
Our story this Sunday is The Empty Pot which reinforces the values of honesty and truthfulness. In our story a young boy named Ping is given a seed by the Emperor to grow as part of a competition to choose his successor; despite tending to his plant carefully, nothing grows, forcing Ping to present an empty pot to the Emperor, ultimately being rewarded for his honesty and integrity.Moral Tales (1st-3rd grades)
This Sunday we’ll be exploring how we each can make choices that help us tread more lightly on the earth. Our theme is “interconnections.” With an emphasis on living in balance and harmony with nature and being mindful — even shrinking — the footprint we humans leave on planet Earth, “Balance” will be added to our Moral Compass poster.

UU Lego Values (4th & 5th grades)
We’ll be continuing our exploration of the value of equity, an ever more relevant topic in these challenging times! Through games, stories, and Lego building, we’ll find concrete ways to bring this concept to participants.

Neighboring Faiths (6th &7th grades)
This Sunday is our final field trip to a Christian faith community. The class will visit Unity church. See emails from class leaders to parents for the details.

Youth Program

Coming of Age (8th-10th grades) 12:15 AM
This Sunday our Coming-of-Age youth will be exploring God questions and the nature of life. We’ll have our usual fun with a yummy snack (thanks parents!) and our “rose, bud, and thorn” check-in.  Don’t miss!

Young Religious Unitarian Universalists YRUU (11th-12th grades)
Our YRUU will continue to explore this month’s ministry theme by looking at why and how do we practice inclusion. There will be games, snacks, good conversation and fun.

Please register all children (infant through high school seniors) to participate in religious education for the 2024-2025 RE year.


Click here to set up a monthly donation towards your annual pledge.


This week we welcome guest speaker Dr. Larycia Hawkins. Larycia Hawkins is the Abd el-Kader Visiting Faculty Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture and a lecturer at the University of Virginia where she is a political scientist, public speaker, and embodied solidarity activist. Dr. Hawkins’s research and scholarship regards intersectionality of sociopolitical […]

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January 26, 2020: Rev. Keith Kron

Keith Kron from the Unitarian Universalist Association Transitions Office will lead Sunday worship. Rev. Kron is the Transitions Coordinator at the UUA, where he helps congregations through times of change and interim ministries. The service will be followed by lunch and a time for questions and answers about our next steps in settled ministry. Child […]

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January 19, 2020: Rev. Jan Rivero

On this weekend when we remember the contributions to the progress of our country provided by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it is appropriate to consider the importance and value of dreams for this generation. Dr. King’s dream magnified the need to heal America’s original sin of racism. Recent years have confronted us in that unfinished work […]

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January 12, 2020: Apostle Sarah Kelly

We have invited Charlottesville native and social justice leader, Apostle Sarah A. Kelley, to speak this Sunday. She began in the ministry 35 years ago and is the Pastor/Founder of Faith, Hope and Love International Healing and Deliverance Center, Inc. Non-Denominational, which is near the Gordon Avenue Library, only a ten minute walk from our […]

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January 5, 2020: Remembering What Matters

In our busy world, so very much competes for our attention and care. The new year gives us each an opportunity to pause, to remember what truly matters, and to commit once again to the paths that reflect our deepest values. Sharon Beckman-Brindley will lead our service along with Bob Gross, Worship Weaver. She is […]

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December 15, 2019: Giving Tree

December 15, 2019: We worship in multi-generational community as we celebrate our annual Giving Tree service. Join Leia Durland-Jones and Dawn Dirks for a service full of winter stories and song as we explore the meanings of the season for Unitarian Universalists. The children and adult choirs will sing. Giving Tree gifts will be gratefully […]

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As we are in this season of the year when the nights are long and attention is drawn by the holidays and new year, what can help us stay whole and grounded, no matter what’s true in our lives at this time? Rev. Alex McGee will preach.

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