The Board may, at its discretion, appoint ad hoc committees and/or task forces, whose charges will be established by the Board. The Board may appoint Teams (of short-term or long-term duration) to respond rapidly to accomplish specific well-defined tasks with short deadlines. (UUCville Bylaws 2017)

The Shared Vision Ad-hoc Committee

In support of Developmental Goal 1, the Board of Trustees appointed Breck Gastinger, Chris Little, Rev. TimTemerson, Jeanine Braithwaite, Pam McIntire, and Achsah Carrier to the Shared Vision Ad-hoc Committee with a charge to lead a process and congregational discussion to evaluate and revitalize the covenant and shared mission.(December 7, 2022)


New Name Task Force

On June 7, 2021, at our annual meeting, our congregation voted to choose a new name for our faith community! The new name, chosen by our members, was Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville. READ MORE


Name Change Task Force

On September 27, 2020, following months of congregational conversations, and years of consideration, we, the Unitarian Universalist congregation in Charlottesville met virtually to vote to remove the words, Thomas Jefferson, from our name. More than 95% present voted in favor of this change. READ MORE


Glen Short Capital Endowment Fund

Sally Taylor, Chair (July 2019)
Don Landis
Bev Ryan
Dick Somer


Governance Task Force

Revenue Task Force

Building rentals, fundraisers, and Scrip are just some of the ways TJMC brings in needed revenue to support ourselves as the beacon of UUism that we envision. In an effort to maximize these revenue streams, to initiate new efforts, and to strengthen our church’s financial health, the TJMC Board of Trustees has initiated a Revenue Task Force. We are looking for interested congregants to help in this effort. The Task Force will evaluate current revenue-producing programs, and also brainstorm, prioritize, and plan for future ones.

Final report, 2016

Task Force Chair: David Mick

Staffing Committee

Their mission is to review current TJMC staffing and future needs and to develop a recommendation for TJMC staffing for the next three years.  Read their 2012 report here.