Rev. Leia Durland-Jones serves as UU-Cville’s Minister of Faith Development. A birthright UU, Leia grew up in the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Lubbock, Texas and has fond memories of her own religious education experiences and the RE teachers from her childhood. Having grown up in the church, Leia knows firsthand the lifesaving power in UU youth and young adult ministries.
A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin Humanities program, Leia’s course of study and undergraduate thesis focused on Women’s Spirituality. A foundational part of her own young adult years included an internship at the Unitarian Universalist Association in Boston as a Youth Programs Specialist.
Leia’s primary focus at UU-Cville is with the lifespan faith development program for children, youth and adults. She is delighted to be able to work with people of all ages as well as to help create opportunities for lifelong learning.
Leia has worked extensively outside of our congregation as well. She served as a leader in LREDA (liberal religious educators’ association), as a mentor and coach to other UU religious educators, and as a guest preacher in other UU Congregations. She has led workshops and trainings for the UUA on UU identity, the philosophy of UU religious education, faith development, and family ministry. She has been an editor of UUA curriculum materials and co-author of the UUA’s Family Ministry Training. And she is currently a Candidate for Certification through the Centre for Holding Space.
Leia particularly enjoys leading the weekly children’s worship service on Sunday morning, working with teenage youth, and teaching Adult Faith Development classes. She also has a passion for the labyrinth as a tool for mediation and contemplation and has been instrumental in congregation’s Labyrinth Ministry.
In her free time, Leia enjoys being with her family (Karen, her wife of more than 20 years and their daughter, Annalee, who is a third-generation UU) and their canine and feline family members. Leia also enjoys hiking, the expressive arts, reading and spending time with friends.