This Garden is devoted to contemplation of those who have touched our lives
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Created by church members in March 1996 and dedicated in May 1996, the Remembrance Garden is designed as a sanctuary where the ashes of former members and friends are memorialized. It is a place to quietly reflect on the passage of time, the grief associated with loss and the joy held in memories.
Church members and friends of the church have the option of being memorialized in the garden. Church members may also request this for their relatives and partners. Following payment of the required fee, the memorialized person’s ashes may be buried or spread in the garden’s burial space and the person’s name and date of death may be added to the panel in the church gallery. A slate engraved with the person’s name and date may be added to the brick wall that surrounds the garden. Also, the person’s name, with a brief biography and a photo (if desired), may be added to the permanent Remembrance Book, maintained by the Remembrance Garden Committee. Burial or scattering of ashes is not required in order to be memorialized in the garden.
A non-refundable maintenance fee of $500 must accompany each application and is used to support the garden including the engraving and installation of the slate and any other costs associated with the memorial process.
The garden includes a 16-foot square where ashes may be placed within which each memorialized person has a 19-inch square area. This space is surrounded by landscaped areas with trees, shrubs and plants. A fountain was added shortly after the garden was created and a bench was added in 2012. In 2021, a circle of stone centerpiece was added to the garden.
Custodianship of the garden is vested in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville. The church is committed to maintaining the garden as long as the church remains in its current location. Visitors are welcome to come and sit in the garden at any time, however any use of the garden should respect the sacred nature of the space.
The committee decides on eligibility for space in the garden and administers all matters related to the Garden, including maintaining financial records and making periodic reports to the Board.
The committee is open to anyone interested in helping to maintain the garden.
How to get involved
Be part of the group that maintains the garden. You are welcome to join work parties as works for your schedule. No ongoing commitment is required.
Become a Committee Member
Join the group that manages administrative and planning tasks for the garden. Membership in the committee is not time-limited and there are no minimum number of hours required.
Do you have a shrub or plant you would like to contribute? Would you like to financially contribute to the Remembrance Garden? Contact us soon!
Contact the Remembrance Garden Committee
To request a Remembrance Garden Application and for further information on volunteering, joining the committee or donating to the garden email