Connected Even Though We Are Apart

March 20, 2020 Dear Church Family, We are in a challenging time—and it looks as if we may be here for a while. Your church staff wants you to know that we are thinking of you, holding you in our hearts and prayers, and finding ways to support and nourish...

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Pastoral Letter: Connected Even Though We Are Apart

March 14, 2020 Dear Church Family, We are indeed in challenging times as we join the rest of the world in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Your church Board Executive Committee and Senior Staff, with the advice of the TJMC UU Medical Advisory Committee, carefully considered our need to close the...

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May 13, 2018: The Earth is Our Mother

Like so many things, there are deep roots to Mother’s Day (and yes, the placement of that apostrophe after the “r” and before the “s” is important to story). During the 19th century, there have been several attempts by women’s peace groups to establish a holiday which celebrated peace, rather than...

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President’s June 2016 Bulletin Article

Hello friends, Our Director of Administration and Finance, Christina Rivera, has been with us for a year now. She accepted my invitation to sit down for an interview. A video version of this interview will be available on the TJMC website in the near future. Christina, our search committee thought...

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Stewardship Steering Committee 2024 Service Fair

We all know what a vibrant, involved and very active community that makes up UUCville. The question is do you really know the extent of the areas of interest that are available, how many opportunities to be of service, and how many possibilities to expand your horizons that can be...

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Who Does What At UUCville

Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees shall consist of four officers of the Congregation (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer), and three to five at large trustees. All officers and at-large members of the Board must be Congregation members in good standing. Officers will serve two-year terms. At Large...

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2020-2021 Annual Reports

2020/2021 Annual Reports from Committees and Groups Committee/Group   Contact Received reports Minister Linda Olson-Peebles Sent her own Board Lorie Craddock Personnel Committee Donna Redmond received Finance Committee Marian Wendelin received Committee on Ministry David Shutt Policy Review Team Sandy Brooks received Stewardship Team Pledge Drive Dawn Dirks received History...

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President’s Report for April

April 2021 President’s Report Let me begin this month with special thanks to Kay Frazier, Walter Hoffman and the entire Garden and Grounds Committee and volunteers.  Our campus is bursting with the beauty of springtime because of their tireless efforts.  If you haven’t seen the gardens lately, I encourage you...

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Holidays with UU-Charlottesville

Holiday Events During this holiday season there are celebrations to mark the birth of the Prophet , Winter Solstice, Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve (not to mention Festivus).  Join the Unitarian Universalists of Charlottesville and celebrate the season with us. CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP SERVICE Christmas Eve, Thursday...

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