Connected Even Though We Are Apart

March 20, 2020

Dear Church Family,

We are in a challenging time—and it looks as if we may be here for a while. Your church staff wants you to know that we are thinking of you, holding you in our hearts and prayers, and finding ways to support and nourish all of us as best we can.

As a staff, we’ve each been figuring out how to do our work differently and also connect with you in ways that are helpful and meaningful. Life is calling all of us to be flexible and adaptive during a time that feels like it is both constantly changing and also strangely static. Many of us are having to do new things or things in different ways that feel challenging, frustrating, unfamiliar and even scary. Some have also shared that they are finding unanticipated “gifts” to this time—more walks, time with family in new ways and a deeper connection to nature.

For all of us, there is fear, exhaustion, anxiety and uncertainty. We know that even as we feel what is ours to feel, there are others somewhere– nearby and far away– who are likely having an even more difficult time than we can know. Our hearts, prayers, and love go to them as well as our commitment to do our part, whatever that may be, to help keep us all whole.

Below is a poem that offers imagery that might be helpful right now. If you can, share it with someone you care about by reading it aloud to them. You might ask them to read it aloud back to you and let yourself savor its message and wisdom.

Bend like the Willow Tree
by James M. Vines

Gracefully swaying in the wind with branches stretched out far and wide.
The willow tree whips to and fro.
Dancing in the breeze, giving way to the force of nature.
It shows how to overcome adversity.
When confronted with the storms of life, you must learn to bend but not yield.
As the willow that is firmly rooted, so must you be.
Carried through the tumultuous gale.
Tossed and tried, but in the end coming out the other side.
Having weathered the storm.
Though a few branches may be broken,
the roots that hold you firmly in place are intact.
As the willow so must we be,
In order to survive, recover and
grow beyond whatever storm life may send our way.

We ask that you please stay connected with us and the rest of your church community during this unprecedented time. If you need assistance with how to connect, please reach out so that we can help you find your place in an online church group, with a phone check-in group or in other ways that are still emerging.

May we help each other bend as we are tossed and tried with our roots and connection to one another helping keep us intact.

With love,

Leia, Alex, Caroline, Sean, and Scott
Your Church Staff