All About the New Name Task Force Survey

In pursuit of brainstorming and then coming to consensus about our new name, we offered the following process as our first step: Conversation Questions: 1. What about our faith community brings you joy or is essentially us? 2. Should we include “Unitarian Universalist” in our name? 3. What organizational structure...

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New Name Task Force First Conversation Report

12 conversation groups met engaging 51 people using 7 facilitators and scribes.  11 Elders were interviewed individually.  The YRUU teens discussed the questions and came to some consensus with their contributions.  Submissions were also received from the January 31rst Chapel and Faith Development.

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Women’s Dream Quest 2021

In a year of uncertainty, tragedy and turmoil, it is time to gather in the circle once more.  With the blessing of Zoom technology, we will be able to see and hear each other, participate in small groups, witness beautiful imagery and hear the beloved music. 

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What Does it Mean to be a Family of Beloved Community?

What do you know about the Beloved Community? What does your child know? I’ll admit that what I thought I knew about the Beloved Community, and what I’d shared with my children, turned out to be woefully under-nuanced for the tasks of our times, and I’ve gratefully anticipated this theme’s...

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February Art Show: Tomas Manto

Tomas Manto is a Charlottesville native artist currently studying painting at the Rhode Island School of Design. He works primarily with oil paint and photoshop. His work focuses on themes of love, friendship, and companionship, but they are also influenced by film, and there are references to this throughout his...

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Imagine if We Were Willing and Strong

I invite you to imagine a time in your own life when you were willing and strong.  A time when you felt ready and you had fortitude to do something you did not think you could do… As you ponder this, does something arise for you immediately—or is your mind...

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An IMPACT Issues Update!

Our UU community has been a vital part of IMPACT for years, and struggling local individuals and families need us more than ever now. Here’s an update on the two justice crises we’re tackling this year.

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Join Active Minds

Active Minds: a group of warm-hearted Elders that meets by Zoom to share interests and stories from our lives and to discuss the issues of the day. We open with a poem, followed by personal check-ins, and then a discussion – often free-wheeling, sometimes with a topic to bring focus....

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FOCUS:   A New Day Rising January 20 this week felt like New Year’s Day to many of us giving thanks for the Inauguration.  Now is the time for focusing anew on this congregation’s work for justice and healing.  UUC’Ville leaders are resuming Racial Justice work, and to begin, all are...

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