The most important IMPACT event before the Action on March 25th is TUESDAY

IMPACT’s annual RALLY* is Tuesday, March 2nd, from 6:30 to 8pm, via Zoom. All 25 IMPACT congregations will gather to hear updates on our housing and education work, and a majority of city councilors will be there to make commitments toward affordable housing. It is important for IMPACT supporters to attend to:

-ensure we are prepared for the Action, and

-convey to City government that our community wants ACTION on affordable housing.

Here’s the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82747786947

Meeting ID: 827 4778 6947

Join us to learn more and draw strength from seeing people from very different faiths in our area–united in purpose. IMPACT brings together people who care about access to early-childhood education and affordable housing for ALL our neighbors.

We don’t have to think alike to love alike, and IMPACT makes this real!

*The RALLY is normally for Network Members, but this year, with city councillors attending, we need the best attendance possible to make our determination plain to these decision makers.

–Laura Wallace, IMPACT Network Member, Housing Research Team member