May/June Art Show: Circe Strauss & Ellen Moore Osborne 

Ellen Moore Osborne is a printmaker, photographer, and mixed media collage artist living in Charlottesville, Virginia. She originally attended East Carolina University with the intention of becoming a graphic designer, but fell in love with fine art instead.

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UUCville Mission/Purpose: Information Session

The Mission/Purpose Task Force will hold an information/feedback session on Sunday, April 30 at 12:30 in the sanctuary and on Zoom. The dual-platform session will include an overview of the comments received during the 17 cottage conversations as well as the presentation of three draft statements of purpose. These statements...

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April 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Report

The Board of Trustees met on April 26, 2023 via Zoom. The Board of Trustees welcomed member Kirstin Firth to the meeting.  Kirstin has been a member since 2007. She is now enrolled at Meadville Lombard Theological School.  In September she will be doing a ministerial internship in Richmond, VA, and...

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UUCville 80th Birthday Service & Celebration

Lorie initiating new kitchen helpers! Revs. Leia and Tim lead a service of celebration with story, song, and music to celebrate our congregation’s 80th Birthday. Rev Leia reflected on our congregation’s past and honored the work of many hands and hearts that have brought us to this day, Rev Tim...

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Out with the Old – In with the New & a Sign Blessing

Congregation photograph by David Shutt One last look… In September 2022 the Church Signage Task Force was formed and charged with providing a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for updating and/or replacing the sign on Rugby Road to reflect the congregation’s name change from the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church...

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President’s Report to the Board: April 2023

We are nine months into our first year of Developmental Ministry with Rev. Tim. It has been an impressively productive nine months! Our whole congregation has worked together to be a healthy community operating with sound governance toward a united mission. Our Developmental Minister, Rev Tim, has provided wise guidance...

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2023 Pledge Drive Total

Thank you to everyone who has pledged to support this community for another year. The pledge drive committee wants everyone to know that all levels of pledges are valued. We are funded by our members and friends of the congregation, so thank you for supporting the work we will do...

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Come Celebrate UUCville’s 80th Birthday!

Sunday, April 16, 2023, starting at the 11 a.m. service Sing Out Praises for the Journey, A Multigenerational Celebration of the Congregation’s 80th Birthday!   Join Revs. Leia and Tim in a service of celebration with story, song, and special music. We will reflect on our congregation’s past, look to...

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