2023 Pledge Drive Total

Thank you to everyone who has pledged to support this community for another year. The pledge drive committee wants everyone to know that all levels of pledges are valued. We are funded by our members and friends of the congregation, so thank you for supporting the work we will do...

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Come Celebrate UUCville’s 80th Birthday!

Sunday, April 16, 2023, starting at the 11 a.m. service Sing Out Praises for the Journey, A Multigenerational Celebration of the Congregation’s 80th Birthday!   Join Revs. Leia and Tim in a service of celebration with story, song, and special music. We will reflect on our congregation’s past, look to...

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Easter Sunday Service and Party

A UU Easter Over 200 were in attendance at “The First Easter Sermon” given by Rev Tim Temerson and Rev Leia Durland-Jones, it was a delightful way to start a beautiful Easter Sunday. We were blessed to have guest pianist Alex Sug play at the Easter service. He was phenomenal!...

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Exploring Our Roots & Branches

In anticipation of our congregation’s 80th anniversary, we will be exploring our roots and branches. This week’s feature is one of the 15 needlepoint religious symbols so lovingly cleaned by Sally Taylor during the Glenn Short financed the renovation of our original building. Others on that committee to disperse Glenn’s...

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Vigil for Fredericksburg UU Congregation

We join with our Unitarian Universalist siblings in Fredericksburg as they hold a LGBTQIA Community Solidarity Vigil tonight, Sunday April 2, via Zoom at 6pm (this is a hybrid event, happening online and also in person in Fredericksburg, Virginia). This vigil is being held in the wake of the destructive...

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Come Take a Stroll with Walter Hoffman & John Nolen

[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”_0iUQKWqWTs” ]   Do You Find Beauty and Serenity on our Campus Our active volunteer Gardens and Grounds Committee practices stewardship through its love of nature by nurturing and maintaining our extensive campus. And through caring for our environment and the safety of others, they use eco-friendly methods...

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