Ministry For Earth

Our Mission
To inspire, support and promote our active commitment to stewardship of our planet as expressed in our 7th Principle (Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part) as individuals, as a congregation, and as a part of our community.
Congregational members at UUCville are involved in Environmental issues as individuals, as a congregation and in association with other community groups, both on a local and national level to make our voices stronger.
The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth
Whatever befalls the Earth
befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth.
We did not weave the web of life,
we are merely strands in it.
Whatever we do to that web, we do to ourselves.
Getting Involved in Ministry for Earth
What does getting involved look like? It can be as simple as attending a Love in Action event, or as involved as leading a workshop or an advocacy initiative. What’s your vision?
Contact us:
Our Teams
Advocacy – Ellie Syverud, leader
This team engages in advocacy on environmental issues that affect us locally as well as nationally. Actions may include:
- researching upcoming environmental legislation,
- organizing letter writing events,
- writing Letters to the Editor to the local papers,
- meeting with local legislators to advocate for specific policies,
- partnering with other local environmental groups to enlarge our impact on legislation,
- tabling to get signatures
- volunteering with UU The Vote to reach out to voters.
Education – Kim Grover, interim leader
This team focuses on educating the UU community and the larger Cville community. Action may include:
- Presentations on various topics
- A monthly newsletter
- Plant-based events (potluck, cooking classes, tips for plant-based dining)
- Co-lead a Sunday sermon
Building Improvements – Kim Grover, leader
This team is focused on efforts to make our building and our finances more environmentally friendly and sustainable. Actions may include:
- accessing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) benefits for the church,
- setting up a free/barter program,
- Setting up a Virtual Library of Things – church members can share things they own with each other
- researching gray water system,
- energy audit, recycling improvements,
- finding a green bank for our church investments,
- recertifying our congregation as a Green Sanctuary ** congregation.
** Green Sanctuary is a national Unitarian Universalist program with the goal of developing “a new mythology for a sustainable culture.” Our church participates in this program and is proud to be a certified Green Sanctuary congregation
Love in Action Work Days – Kim and Ellie, leaders
Research and organize opportunities to serve our community through work days such as park and trail clean up, tree planting, weeding and mulching


You loved the Sustainable Eating Potluck.
Now get the cookbook A Cookbook for Sustainable Eating
Checklist of lifestyle choices that help the environment
Rewiring America – the leading electrification nonprofit, focused on electrifying our homes, businesses, and communities.
Green banking and credit cards
Green Credit Cards
Environmentally friendly banks
More environmentally friendly banks
Ethical and green banks
Albemarle County Environmental Stewardship Hub – information on the County’s environmental programs and how you can participate in stewarding our natural resources
Renters Guides to Inflation Reduction Act benefits
Green Consumerism – the practice of making purchasing decisions based on environmental considerations by choosing products and services that are more sustainable, renewable, or less harmful to the planet.
History of the Environmental Movement at UUCville
This is by no means the only time that UUCville has tackled environmental issues. In 2012, after years of hard work to improve our building and our practices, we were recognized as a Green Sanctuary by the UUA. Also in 2012, the Board decided, in special resonance with our Seventh Principle and guided by our Green Sanctuary work, to invest roughly $40,000 in our building’s sustainability by installing solar panels. In addition to reducing the amount of fossil fuels needed to light, heat, and cool our building, we saved money over the past 11 years on energy costs.
And finally, we honor the work of all of those who are making our grounds so beautiful and follow the best environmental principles while they do so.