Sustainable Eating Potluck – You can make a Difference!

Plan to join us on Sunday January 21st after the Service for our first Sustainable Eating Potluck!!

As individuals we can’t save the Earth – but we can each do our small part to help. In support of our 7th principle (Respect for the interdependent web of life), the Ministry for Earth invites the congregation into a practice of Sustainable Eating. A sustainable diet – less meat/more plants – has a large impact on the health of our planet; our current way of eating is responsible for 15% of the carbon emissions that are destroying our planet.

To facilitate and encourage this practice we will be holding several Sustainable Eating potluck meals and cooking classes over the next several months. At these potluck meals, you will have the opportunity to try vegetarian and vegan cooking as well as learn how to prepare them as we will be asking people to provide their recipe to go along with the food they contribute.