January: Chalice Home

UU WORSHIP AND RITUALS TO DO AT HOME As we will discover together, imagination doesn’t just help us make our way through life it makes our life come to life. May this month’s at-home worships illuminate the magic waiting for all of us in the corners and crevices of our...

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January: Exploring your UU Faith at Home

AROUND YOUR KITCHEN TABLE Start a Conversation… Use the questions below to explore to spark a discussion for all ages. They are designed for a household gathering – maybe during a Friday night meal, a quiet moment in the living room or before a board game night. Watch for different...

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Soul Matters for January: Let Imagination be your Superpower

Being guided by “what if…” is something humans do really well. We can imagine possibilities, informed by past observations and experiences, to create new realities that did not exist before. I consider this one of humanity’s great superpowers–along with our (theoretical) ability to collaborate well with one another. It marks...

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Support for Your Family Right Now

Dear Families, You have been on my mind and in my heart as we all grapple with the horrifying behaviors seen yesterday at our Capitol in Washington, DC. I hope you have been able to find comforting ways to be with your children and to talk as a family about...

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Next Year’s Word

New Year’s is without a doubt the most meaningful winter holiday for me. As a religious humanist, none of the other winter holidays have ever really called to me. But to me there’s something almost magical about the chance for a fresh start. A new beginning. The start of a...

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Every Moment is One

One of my favorite things about all the rituals and traditions attached to this time of year is the way they mess with time. My husband and son and I decorate our Christmas tree, and as we hang each ornament—the ones we brought from our parents’ houses and the ones...

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Prayers and Graces for Mealtimes

For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends, For everything your goodness sends, Thank you! Adapted from a grace of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Reverend Phil Lund. Sung to the tune of “Praise God from Whom...

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Solstice Stillness in a Home-Made Cave

An Activity to Celebrate Solstice with Your family. To connect with the sacred stillness of the longest night of the year, this activity guides us to create a symbolic, toy-sized cave with our children. This quiet, holy, protective cave will shelter Mother Earth and the Sun Child, symbolically reborn the...

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In Faith and With Love

As we move into this holiday season, I am grateful to have the ministry theme of “stillness” as our guide. There is so much swirling around — the pandemic and the toll it has taken, racial injustice and the continuous ways it manifests in our communities, widespread economic stress and...

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Stillness Through Self-care

“Don’t just do something, sit there!” Too often, when confronted with a challenge (within or without), we scramble to do something, anything! It feels better in the moment to match turbulence with turbulence.  But stillness is often a good and valid response. Stillness is not inaction; it is the making...

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