Soul Matters for January: Let Imagination be your Superpower

Being guided by “what if…” is something humans do really well. We can imagine possibilities, informed by past observations and experiences, to create new realities that did not exist before. I consider this one of humanity’s great superpowers–along with our (theoretical) ability to collaborate well with one another. It marks our unique place on the interconnected web of all existence.

How well are we doing, then, using our superpowers of creativity and imagination? Do we, as Unitarian Universalists, engage our imaginations as a religious exercise, a way to connect with Source, and in service of creating a more just, harmonious, and loving world? Our imaginations can bring us great joy and satisfaction, and they can also inspire a new, better reality–the kind our faith calls us to make! But shifting to that latter piece–imagination as responsibility to make the world better–is tough.

We are going to play and make-believe our way through this month, knowing that as we do so, we will be working out and exercising one of our species’ most powerful muscles for making change: our imaginations. We need strong imaginations! 2021 awaits; what will it be? What paradigms will prevail? Dare we apply our superpowers and our principles to the creation of the new: the society all our children are growing into, and deserve?

We do dare–we imagine, plan, create, shape, and share–and we do it together.

In taste-touch-hear real and blessedly imagined faith,
Teresa, on behalf of the Soul Matters team