Caring/Friendship Circles, April 2021 to May 2022

A Caring Circle or Friendship Circle at UUCville is a group of 3-5 (or up to 8) members or friends of the congregation who have explicitly agreed to stay in regular contact with each other over an extended period of time. Caring Circles were first proposed as an improved alternative...

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UU CVille Phone Tree

When the church building closed in March 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic, church leaders were concerned about how to maintain contact and provide services to the more vulnerable members of the congregation (elders, and those living alone or in assisted living facilities, without internet access, or unable to drive)....

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Active Minds 2004/2005 to May, 2022

The beginning of the Active Minds group is not clearly marked in the historical records of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville, but it does appear to be the first sustained group activity designed to particularly engage elderly members.

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The Spire

The story of the spire The unique spire that sits atop the congregation building at 717 Rugby Road was designed for the church at its founding in 1950. The twisting aluminum ribbons represent eight major religious traditions, and are woven to symbolize that the closer each approaches the truth, the closer...

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Developmental Ministry

The Rev. Tim Temerson has been selected by the UU Cville Board to be the Developmental Lead Minister. He will join us in Charlottesville on August 1st join us in the pulpit for the first time August 7th. What is a Developmental Minister?  This is a minister with special skills,...

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Welcome to Our New Developmental Minister!

  The UUCville Board of Trustees is thrilled to announce that we have hired the Reverend Tim Temerson to be our Developmental Minister starting in August 2022!  Rev. Tim impressed the search committee with his passion for Unitarian Universalist principles and values, his wisdom and experience with stewardship, his commitment...

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Minister Search Update, March 8

The Developmental Minister Search Committee submitted an application for a Developmental Minister to the UUA Transitions office in December.  We will receive a list of applicants for the position on March 11 and we will begin Zoom interviews immediately. We have to make our decision and submit an offer by...

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The Meaning Behind Our February Altar

I felt guided to offer this on how Maggie Ober and I created the altar this month. We are able to occasionally write up a description of the altar creation, other months there is less “backstory” and it evolves in a more free flowing manner. It is a joy in...

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