We come from many places and many experiences, and now we call this place home. Whatever your path, whatever your passion, this is our church. Can you support TJMC as it has supported you? A little more than seven years ago, I began attending TJMC-UU. There was no minister at the...

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TJMC is Forever Green

Our Seventh Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Our local eco-heroes led us through a process of education, reflection, and action to become certified as a Green Sanctuary. We continue our work towards a sustainable future and look beyond our walls to ensure the...

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TJMC is Good Governance

Our Fifth Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large Try as we might, we don’t always get it right. But sometimes, even when we get it wrong, we get it right. I was a member of TJMC-UU’s...

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TJMC is Searching

Our Fourth Principle:  A free and responsible search for truth and meaning Unitarian Universalists are called to examine our beliefs in community. Where has your path led you? Our UU openness to all spiritual paths has introduced me to possibilities I would have otherwise rejected out of hand. I suspended my un-belief long...

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TJMC is Coming Home

If you’ve been away from church for a while–or you know someone who has–we are ready to welcome you back. It can be difficult to take those first steps into church again, but our loving community holds you in its embrace. The most recent chapter of my involvement with TJMC...

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TJMC is Spiritual Growth

Our Third Principle:  Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations I started in a covenant group when the practice first came to TJMC. I was eager to participate in the topics and make new friends.  The challenge for me was to make “I” statements. I...

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TJMC is a Hope for Peace

Our Sixth Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all. We see a world plagued by poverty, conflict, discrimination, and we are called to act. We stand in silent witness, we speak out, we support with our money and our actions. We act locally and we act globally...

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TJMC is Community

“Here is the church, here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” The children understand: the church is nothing without the community that sustains it.  What a delight it was to move to Charlottesville, after having lived in the same area for 33 years, and find...

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