Nature Spirit – Second Sundays

Exploring Nature in spirituality. We are an open group, drop-ins are welcome. Check the Weekly Email, Calendar and the Sunday insert for updates. For more information:

Nature Spirit is a spiritual home and diverse community for those who value a connection to nature and its mysteries. We are a support for the development of nature-based spiritual practices, a facilitator of experiential activities and sacred celebrations, a social and networking hub, and a center of knowledge. We gather regularly at least once a month at TJMC-UU, and organize additional events at other times and locations. Many of our activities are suitable for all ages. We respect all spiritual paths and welcome all to participate!  Email us by clicking the contact link below to join our email list for the latest schedule of events.

To join our lively, informative Facebook Group and see our Mission Statement, search for “Nature Spirit” on Facebook or click here.

Contact: Dan Spitzner