Job Opening: Director of Administration and Finance

  The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church-Unitarian Universalist Church seeks a Director of Administration and Finance. This position manages administrative and financial matters for the church in cooperation with the lead minister, director of faith development, treasurer, the board and church committees. It is a 30-hour a week exempt position at...

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Black Lives Matter Banner

Potluck Supper to Support our Black Lives Matter Sign

Friday July 19th at 6pm Come to the potluck this Friday at 6pm in the Social Hall in support of the Black Lives Matter sign that hangs in our sanctuary, which has been anonymously vandalized several times recently. Families, partners, & friends are welcome. Plan either to come early (5:30)...

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A Minister’s Musings: It’s Time For a Change

Thursday, June 06, 2019 I submitted the following Letter to the Editor in response to the article in The Daily Progress on Wednesday, June 5, 2019, “City considers nixing Jefferson’s birthday observation.” I want to thank Mayor Walker for proposing that we stop celebrating Thomas Jefferson’s birthday in April, but,...

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Womens’ Retreat June 15, 23, & 30

Unlock Your Feminine Power: Women’s Retreat & more Do you feel called to create many different things in your life, from deepening or attracting love to expanding your prosperity, influence and impact in your career, improving your health, and more? Would you like starting to bring these potentials forth? During this...

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A Reminder From the Finance Committee Chair

Please let Cathey Polly, the pledge tracker, know what your pledge is for the upcoming year. Whether you’re raising it, lowering it, or keeping it the same, we need to know as soon as possible. We need the most accurate information available in order to plan for the coming months....

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July Art Show

Tomas Manto: “The Garden Show” Painting is different from other methods of making art because to paint is to solve a problem of light on canvas. I begin a work by causing myself problems and the rest of my time is spent solving those problems, hopefully coming to some fresh...

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A Minister’s Musings: Reflections on a Ministry

This is the letter I sent to the members (both formal and informal) of the congregation I serve regarding my decision to end our mutual ministry as of the end of this church year (June 30th).  If you’re interested, you can read the formal announcement to the congregation, as well as the reflections I...

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Important Message about TJMCUU’s Ministry

May 17, 2019 Dear TJMCUU, I am writing to share important news that will impact every member of the TJMCUU community. The last several years have been challenging ones for our church. Our congregation has been split around fundamental issues, many of which have impacted our vision of what we...

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A Minister’s Musings: What Makes a Memorial?

I wrote this in response to the article “Judge:  Statues are war memorials” that was published in the Daily Progress on Tuesday, April 30th, 2019 Judge Richard E. Moore has determined that the statues of Lee and Jackson are, in fact, war memorials, and as such are protected.  “It does...

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