Update From the Task Force to Explore Ordaining Leia

The Task Force members joined together because of our shared commitment to bringing healing to our church. We have been meeting since July 30, 2019, gathering information, doing our research, consulting with the UUA and UU leaders, and listening to congregants. We are happy to have been joined by others who share this vision and mission.

We are sworn to act in covenant and to make sure every congregant has a chance to engage with our work.

We have come to the understanding that reconciliation and healing of our community requires strong, wise, dedicated leadership, leaders who understand our history and our people, and leaders with a clear vision that reflects our UU principles and values. We have such a leader in our midst. For the last 27 years, Leia Durland-Jones has led with integrity, professionalism and kindness, exemplifying our UU values in her every word and action.

We have come to realize that empowering Leia as one of our ordained clergy is a path to healing and growth. Throughout her years with us, Leia has been one of our ministers. She has led us with thoughtfulness and respect for all voices in our congregation.

We believe that formally recognizing her will give us one of the leaders we need to move forward with a vision of wholeness, interconnectedness and possibility.

We have created a document to begin this conversation and to answer some of the questions we have heard. We just sent this document to the board. You can find our report here: Task Force to Explore Ordaining Leia First Report

We plan to continue conversations individually and in a congregational conversation one Sunday after church (hopefully November 17), and then move toward asking for a congregation vote to ordain Leia in February.

Task Force Members:

Pam McIntire
Laura Horn
Dawn Dirks
Elaine Chapman
Larry Moulis
Elizabeth Breeden
Lorie Craddock