Tips For Healing Earth #7

How’s your plan for home energy reduction coming? Whether you’ve consulted professionals through an energy audit or talked with friends, family or neighbors for mutual support, your journey toward lowering your energy burden will be easier if shared with others.

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December 17, 2021 Refugee Welcome UPDATE

Elizabeth Breeden summarizes where our refugee outreach stands: in SUSPENSE. “The mentors are trained, we have collected an apartment’s-worth of furniture and supplies that are carefully stored. We are offering our extra furniture and supplies to other families. We have a generous amount of donated money to get us started....

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Brief Report on the December Board Meeting

The Board met Wednesday December 8, 2021 at 6:30 pm. This brief summary is to inform the congregation before the minutes are approved and posted. Following a brief check-in with Board members, there was public time for congregants.  Officer and staff reports were reviewed and accepted. We discussed the impact of...

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Building Use Update December 7th, 2021

12/07/21 With the new strain of Covid-19 and the increasing cases in our area, we are remaining at ORANGE through the holiday season and will revisit at the beginning of the year. We appreciate your continued patience and compliance with our restrictions to ensure the safety and well-being of our...

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Tips For Healing Earth #6

How heavy is your energy burden? A 2020 study found that, in Charlottesville, nearly 5,000 homes spend over 6% of their annual income on home energy, over 4,000 spend over 10% and more than 800 homes spend over 20%. Your energy use affects energy prices and hence the energy burden...

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All Church Holiday Gatherings

All Church Solstice Lantern Walk & Celebration of the Season Sunday, December 19, 4:30-6PM Join your family and friends from church for our Solstice Lantern Walk & Celebration of the Season. This festive in-person gathering is for all ages. Please bring cookies to share at a common table. Warm cider...

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