Apple Picking for our Food Pantry, Thurs Aug 29

Our Food Ministry has a special opportunity this week: join fellow UUs in the orchard to pick apples for distribution through our Food Bank and other soup kitchen sites. The beautiful orchard is located in North Garden. We will meet for a few hours in the morning of Thursday, August...

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A Heartfelt Thank You to Rev. Susan Karlson!

As Rev. Leia’s sabbatical comes to an end, we want to express our deepest gratitude to Rev. Susan Karlson for her exceptional service as our Sabbatical Minister for Faith Development. Rev. Susan’s dedication has been truly remarkable. Her engagement with our youth has been inspiring, fostering growth and spiritual development...

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Love Into Action: A Three Year Plan

Love Into Action: A Three Year Plan UU Congregation of Charlottesville Fall 2024-Summer 2027 The Mission of the UU Congregation of Charlottesville (Adopted June 3, 2023) states: The UU Congregation of Charlottesville builds community through love in action. Together we cultivate a safe and welcoming place for all. Together we...

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Its the Yard Sale Home Stretch!

As we head into the home stretch of the yard sale, one of the church’s biggest fundraisers of the year, we want to thank everyone that has donated and volunteered so far.    Here’s what is still needed to help make it a huge success: Spread the word: Print this...

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July 25th 2024 Board Meeting Report

The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on Zoom. There were some technical difficulties with the Zoom link. Our apologies if anyone tried to join and was unable to. Marlene Jones joined us for public comment regarding the timeliness of a ministerial search. She asked for the board’s...

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Green Scene: Ministry for Earth Newsletter July 2024 

This month we are focusing on what is being done to save our environment by our local governments – the City of Charlottesville and by Albemarle County – and by a collaboration between these two entities and UVA. It includes some details about what each entity is doing to improve...

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New Board Members!

Next time you cross paths with Sylvie Semmelhack or Tammy Wilt, be sure to greet them with open arms and express your sincere gratitude for their dedication to serving on our Board of Trustees!

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July-August Art Show — Kathleen Hutter

A little background on Kathleen Hutter: I’m a professional artist and have been painting since childhood under the tutelage of my artist father and I currently employ an international coach Stefan Baumann. I have shown in CT, NY, NJ, and VA and have won several awards for my pieces. I’ve...

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New Volunteer Opportunities!

New Volunteer Opportunities! There are several volunteer “jobs” ready for the taking. If you like gardening and landscaping, working in the soil with like-minded people, organizing workdays, and enjoying the outdoors consider becoming the Gardens and Grounds Committee Chair. The Gardens and Grounds Committee oversees the care and maintenance of...

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