PACEM 2024, Nov 16-30

Sign up now to help by providing food or serving dinner Each winter we host our homeless guests from PACEM overnight in Summit House.  Guests will be here from November 16th through 30th.  Everyone’s help is needed for this effort.  We have divided the jobs into large and small from...

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November Social Action Collection: Lily Pads

The Story of LilyPads Housing In 2015, Charlottesville local, Jen Koym, gave birth to a little girl with a very rare and serious heart defect. Her daughter, Lily, needed open-heart surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital and their family was left scrambling to find housing while Lily was hospitalized far from...

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October’s UUCville Board Highlights

The UUCville Board of Trustees met on Wednesday, October 23. Guests Kim Grover, Ellie Syverud, Keith McGlammery, and David Judd made a proposal to the board for our Ministry for Earth to Purchase Renewable Energy Credits (RECs). The board will consider this proposal and vote on it at our next...

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Stewardship Steering Committee 2024 Service Fair

We all know what a vibrant, involved and very active community that makes up UUCville. The question is do you really know the extent of the areas of interest that are available, how many opportunities to be of service, and how many possibilities to expand your horizons that can be...

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UUCville Campus: A Year of Improvements

What a Year It’s Been! Through careful fiscal management and the generosity of members’ pledges and donations to special projects, UUCville has been able to undertake multiple much-needed projects on our buildings and grounds. Key Improvements Summit House Porch Replacement In January, the much-used Summit House porch was replaced! This...

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Welcome (Afghan) Refugees! Update 2024

In early autumn 2021, UUCville was approved by the International Refugee Committee (IRC) to sponsor a refugee family from Afghanistan and a new outreach ministry began! Two UUCville groups were formed: Mentors and Planners (settlers) to aid directly in the settlement of the not-yet-assigned-to-us family. Immediately after UUCville was approved...

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President’s Report to the Board & Congregation

September 2024 We are beginning our third year of Developmental Ministry. You can find our Developmental Ministry webpage here: This month, I want to give a brief review of our progress on our Developmental Goals. Please note that there are so many things going on at UUCville, it is...

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Get Out The Vote — by Texting!

The League of Women Voters of Virginia – a non-partisan group – is looking for volunteers to text voters. From personal experience I can tell you that texting is the easiest fastest way to reach voters! Here are the details: We will be text banking Virginia voters who have not...

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