Exploring Our Roots & Branches

In anticipation of our congregation’s 80th anniversary, we will be exploring our roots and branches. This week’s feature is one of the 15 needlepoint religious symbols so lovingly cleaned by Sally Taylor during the Glenn Short financed the renovation of our original building. Others on that committee to disperse Glenn’s...

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Vigil for Fredericksburg UU Congregation

We join with our Unitarian Universalist siblings in Fredericksburg as they hold a LGBTQIA Community Solidarity Vigil tonight, Sunday April 2, via Zoom at 6pm (this is a hybrid event, happening online and also in person in Fredericksburg, Virginia). This vigil is being held in the wake of the destructive...

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Come Take a Stroll with Walter Hoffman & John Nolen

[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”_0iUQKWqWTs” ]   Do You Find Beauty and Serenity on our Campus Our active volunteer Gardens and Grounds Committee practices stewardship through its love of nature by nurturing and maintaining our extensive campus. And through caring for our environment and the safety of others, they use eco-friendly methods...

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April/May 2023 Art Show: LeVonne Yountz

LeVonne Yountz, a native of Westchester County, New York, has been a resident of Charlottesville since 1988. She is a proud mother of three adult sons, one grandson, and is a faithful member of First Baptist Church. LeVonne began creating these unique pieces around age 1 initially as a creative...

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March 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Report

The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on zoom. The Board of Trustees voted to extend Rev. Tim’s contract for another year, and he graciously accepted.  A letter was received regarding The Caring Circle of 8 and the procedure for the Edith Good Birthday Bouquet that is shared...

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We Are a Community!

We seek to be an inclusive spiritual community, coming together in love, and reaching out in service. We welcome you to join us for our our Sunday services , learn more about our UU congregation, or become involved with our community activities. Unitarian Universalism is often referred to as a...

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Food Pantry Food Bank Charlottesville UUCville

Upcoming Food Sharing Sundays

Food scarcity is a reality for some members of our congregation and we have begun the practice of having “Food Sharing Sunday” every other month. On these Sundays, congregants who are able bring in fresh food groceries to share.  Congregants whose food dollars are tight are welcome to take food...

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Monthly Ministry Theme Update

Revs. Tim and Leia shifted our monthly ministry themes for the remainder of the church year.  As some Covenant groups and other ministries, such as our sanctuary altar team, utilize the themes and thematic materials, we want you to know that: March’s theme connects with our stewardship campaign “Together with...

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