A New Sign Is Coming!

Exciting Update on the New Rugby Road Sign We reached our fundraising goal of $5,000 to replace the letters on the Rugby Road brick wall. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this possible!  A special thanks to the anonymous donors who started our fundraising campaign with a $2,500 matching donation. We can all look forward...

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Board of Trustees Meeting Report – December 2022

The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on zoom. We received some appreciation from our guests.  First for Rev. Tim’s thoughtful sermons that cover large scopes of how other religious traditions tie in nicely with our Unitarian Universalist values.  He was thanked for bringing his humility forward while...

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Board of Trustees—October Meeting Report

The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on zoom. We heard from some guests, one of whom encouraged the Board to consider ways that UUC’ville could support pro-democracy initiatives, given growing threats to the democratic process. The Board received updates on the four Developmental Goals from the respective...

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Board of Trustees Meeting – September 28, 2022

The Board of Trustees met on Wednesday evening in a hybrid format. The Board heard updates from the Building Use Task Force, which included encouraging news on the Covid front locally. However, the Task Force has recommended no change to current policy as we continue to balance our desire to...

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A Busy Week For UUCville Board of Trustees

Last week was a busy week for UUCville’s board! At Wednesday’s board meeting we heard updates on the Summit House HVAC renovation and discussed the process of changing the signage in front of the building. We will continue to revisit both of these building projects in the upcoming board meetings....

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