Message From Rev. Tim

Is it just me, or was last Sunday at the UU Congregation of Charlottesville something special?  We had over 180 in attendance (both in person and online) at the worship service and the Service Fair was buzzing with energy and enthusiasm. What a fabulous way to begin a new church...

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President’s Report: August 2023

President’s Report to the Board: August 2023 As the new school year begins, I feel like there is increasing energy to take a new look at the big picture of UUCville Congregational life. It is a time for taking a comprehensive look at all that we do, how we do...

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Board of Trustees July 2023 Meeting

The UUCville Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday, July 26th by Zoom.   We had a pretty light mid-summer agenda.  Revs Leia and Tim are both taking well-deserved respites, and several board members are on vacation.   Kay and Jim (members of the Stewardship Steering Committee) gave updates on Developmental Goal...

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President’s Report, July 2023

Is there a unique message based in our UU values and principles that UUCville can bring to the Charlottesville community? Our commitment to love and kindness is nurturing our UUCville community and we already have so many ways we express our Love In Action in Charlottesville. Is there more we...

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President’s Report, June 2023

The Congregational Meeting was a huge success with getting so much done.  We now have an excellent balanced budget for 2023/2024, we have great teams for our board, nominating and personnel committees, we updated the bylaws and we have a new mission statement. We can now turn our attention to...

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Board of Trustees June Meeting

The UUCville Board of Trustees met this Wednesday, June 29th in person to celebrate the end of the Board term. The potluck celebration was the final meeting for outgoing Board members Breck Gastinger and Steve Brecker, and the first for incoming members Achsah Carrier and John Griffith. The Board spent...

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New Mission Statement Approved at Congregational Meeting

  Fulfilling one of our Developmental Ministry Goals, UUCville adopted a new Mission Statement at the congregational meeting held on June 4, 2023.  We hope that it will speak to the hearts and minds of our congregants and to the broader world. Mission Task Force co-chairs Jeanine Braithwaite and Chris...

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May 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Report

The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on zoom. The board had a vigorous discussion on the new Mission Statement put together by the Taskforce. The board thought it a beautiful and artistic statement that aptly captures what UUCville chooses to stand for. The board voted to move...

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Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville – 2023 Slate of Candidates for Board of Trustees and Committees

The Nominating Committee is pleased to present the 2022-2023 slate of candidates for the Board of Trustees and committee positions. We will vote for the Board of Trustees and other leadership positions at the annual congregational meeting on Sunday, June 4, 2023. For more information about the Congregational Meeting click...

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UUCville Mission Statement Update

As part of our Developmental Ministry Goals, the Mission Task Force is working on a Mission Statement for UUCville. We will develop a statement that expresses our purpose or in other words, why we exist.  We hope that it will speak to the hearts and minds of our congregants and...

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