President’s Report to the Board: April 2023

We are nine months into our first year of Developmental Ministry with Rev. Tim. It has been an impressively productive nine months! Our whole congregation has worked together to be a healthy community operating with sound governance toward a united mission. Our Developmental Minister, Rev Tim, has provided wise guidance...

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March 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Report

The Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday evening on zoom. The Board of Trustees voted to extend Rev. Tim’s contract for another year, and he graciously accepted.  A letter was received regarding The Caring Circle of 8 and the procedure for the Edith Good Birthday Bouquet that is shared...

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President’s Report: March 2023

This month I want to write about all UUCville has accomplished since July in our current fiscal year.  I wanted to list some of those things, so we can appreciate how far we have come in a few important areas of our congregation life: supporting each other and developing our...

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President’s Report to the Board February, 2023 – Pam McIntire

Numerous times over the past month, I have felt enormous appreciation for UUCville. Interestingly, this often happened in meetings! In every gathering, each person brought their own diverse way of thinking and their own unique wisdom. We listened to each other, built on each other’s understanding and we got to...

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The Board of Trustee Meeting Report – January 25 2023

Approved Board Minutes the January 25, 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting The Board of Trustees met on January on Jan 25th via zoom. The Board welcomed a guest to the meeting who asked that the Board consider a new mask policy of encouraging mask-wearing but not mandating it. The request,...

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President Pam McIntire’s Report to the Board: January 2023

Exciting things are happening at UUCville in this time of Developmental Ministry. Rev Tim, Rev Leia, the board and the whole congregation are making progress on our Developmental Goals. It is heartening to witness our congregation working together with such clear intention!   For Goal 1, the board appointed a...

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A New Sign Is Coming!

Exciting Update on the New Rugby Road Sign We reached our fundraising goal of $5,000 to replace the letters on the Rugby Road brick wall. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this possible!  A special thanks to the anonymous donors who started our fundraising campaign with a $2,500 matching donation. We can all look forward...

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