Board of Trustees July 2023 Meeting

The UUCville Board of Trustees met this past Wednesday, July 26th by Zoom.  

We had a pretty light mid-summer agenda.  Revs Leia and Tim are both taking well-deserved respites, and several board members are on vacation.  

Kay and Jim (members of the Stewardship Steering Committee) gave updates on Developmental Goal 3, including: (1) preparations for the Service Fair (Sept. 10); (2) progress towards organizing planned giving; (3) beginning to take a deep dive into our pledging and payments processes.  

Achsah updated the Board on the Comm Committee’s conversations around UUC’ville’s Public Witness policy, and whether the policy is optimally serving the congregation’s expectations.  

We spent much of the meeting discussing in depth the video/transcript the board had been asked to view/read in advance (“My Little Pony Was Right: Reflections of Fascisms Without and Within” the Pittsburgh-based UU Reverend Cecilia Kingman, a deeply moving treatise on the rise of Fascism within the US. A deeper accounting of the discussion will be available when the minutes are published, and of course, can be viewed in full when the meeting recording is posted.

2023-Board Meeting 7-26-23-web copy