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March’s Ministry Theme:
The Practice of Trust

11 a.m. Sunday, March 30, 2025

“Celebrating Our Journeys”

As Unitarian Universalists we often use the metaphor of the “journey” to describe our spiritual lives. Today explore what it means to make a spiritual journey as two members of our congregation share their own stories and experiences.

Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service,
please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.


Children & Youth 

11:00 AM Children’s Program

Celebrating Me & My World (infant through 4 years-old)
Our lesson is “My World Has Light.”  We’ll be exploring the beauty and magic of our world lit by sunlight. Through song, story, and play, we’ll light our own lights shine!Children 4 years-old through 5th grade attend Children’s Worship with Rev. Leia
On this final Sunday in March, we’ll explore together through story and song how trusting others and trusting ourselves is part of our UU values. We’ll light the candles in our rainbow chalice and share our joys and sorrows. Don’t forget to bring your money for the offertory!Our 6th & 7th Grade Neighboring Faiths class will not meet this week due to Spring Break.

12:15 AM

Youth Programs

Coming of Age (8th-10th grades) and YRUU (11th & 12th grades)
do not meet this week due to Spring Break.

Please register all children (infant through high school seniors) to participate in religious education for the 2024-2025 RE year.


Click here to set up a monthly donation towards your annual pledge.


Rev. Tim Temerson & Tori Goodloe Grace can be one of the most challenging ideas for Unitarian Universalists. What exactly is grace and where does it come from? Is grace earned or is it a gift?  And what is the relationship between grace and generosity? Do we simply receive grace or are we also the […]

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Ancestors’ Sunday Revs. Tim Temerson & Leia Durland-Jones 11am Community Worship, October 29, 2023   Prelude    ​​​ Welcome    ​​​Rev. Tim Temerson​​​​ Jimmy Gorham, Board Member Musical Offering​​   Africa sung by the Rivanna Shape Note Singers Call to Worship ​​​ Hymn     ​​​#389, Gathered Here ​ Chalice Lighting Creating Our Ancestors’ Altar Responsive […]

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Comfort and Wisdom

Rev. Leia Durland-Jones & Worship Weaver Mary Beth Wiley As we continue our consideration of October’s ministry theme, “The Gifts of Heritage,” let’s explore together sources of comfort and wisdom that can offer us support, particularly when things feel hard. The choir will sing LINK TO ZOOM SERVICE Sharing Joys and Sorrows If you would like to […]

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Monthly Ministry Theme: The Gift of Heritage A Heritage of Principle and Spirit: Women, Feminism, and Unitarian Universalism Rev. Tim Temerson & Angela Orebaugh 11am Community Worship, October 8, 2023   There is an important conversation taking place within Unitarian Universalism about revising the Seven UU Principles. Today’s service kicks-off a two-part series about the […]

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Community Worship: 11:00am, Oct. 1

Monthly Ministry Theme: The Gift of Heritage Join us for this special service as we welcome Sin Barreras (Without Barriers) to share their extraordinary work with the Latinx community in Central Virginia and to launch a partnership between Sin Barreras and UUCville. The service will include testimony from members of the local Latinx community, leaders […]

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A Sermon I Need to Hear Right Now  Rev. Leia Durland-Jones and Tori Goodloe, Worship Weaver There is a saying that we teach what we most need to learn. Could this be true for preachers as well—that we preach what we most need to hear? Join Rev. Leia as she offers a sermon sheneeds to […]

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As our nation remembers and honors the millions of African Americans who survived slavery and struggled for freedom,  a growing movement seeks to distort the way our history is taught and ban books that tell the truth. Today’s service will look at the narratives we create about race and white supremacy and the central role […]

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“Beginning Together: New Member Sunday”   Revs. Tim Temerson & Leia Durland-Jones, and the UUCville Membership Committee At the UU Congregation of Charlottesville, we often describe our lives together as a shared journey. As we welcome and celebrate new members, today’s service will focus on what we share and what connects us as a Unitarian Universalist religious community. The service […]

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