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November’s Ministry Theme:
The Practice of Repair

11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024

“Born for Such a Time as This”
Rev. Susan Karlson

Many of us are trying to cut down on how much bad news we ingest after the election–all the fears, divisiveness, threats and concerns that crowd our inboxes and newsfeeds. Yet, some stunning religious leaders, authors and leaders are writing and talking about the birth pains that are happening in and around us. What will we bring to birth in our community and congregation?

Children’s classes will not meet today. A family-friendly space to participate in worship is available in the social hall.

Nursery care is provided during the service in the Lower Hall for children 5 and under.

Attend In Person or Link to Zoom Service 


Sharing Joys and Sorrows

If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.

Please register all children (infant through high school seniors) to participate in religious education for the 2024-2025 RE year.


Click here to set up a monthly donation towards your annual pledge.


Read the Order of service Our seventh principle states that we, as Unitarian Universalists, affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Yet we humans tend to talk (and think!) as though we are apart from the rest of the natural world rather than recognizing ourselves as […]

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July 10, 2016: The Road More Travelled

Read the Order of Service Thanks to Christine Gresser for brainstorming and reflecting together and contributing metaphors and phrases for this sermon. THE ROAD MORE TRAVELLED The poet Robert Frost wrote a poem called The Road Less Taken about a traveller who comes upon a fork in a road.  The traveller considers options for a […]

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Read the Order of Service. As we prepared to celebrate our nation’s birth, we considered what it meant to be independent—as individuals, as a denomination, and as a country. How might our legacy of independence be keeping us from reaching our full potential? Is it time to move beyond independence to interdependence, and if so, what […]

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Read the Order of Service We began the month by looking at some of the “gifts” of simplicity, but why do people make such a big deal about it? Why do we put such a high value on living “simple” lives while actually living lives that are just about anything but? Let’s explore this together […]

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June 19, 2016: Juneteenth

Read the Order of service.  I am embarrassed to say that I had never heard of “Juneteenth” until relatively recently.  I keep discovering just how much American history I never learned and, perhaps even more disturbingly, that no one ever thought important enough to try to teach me – all that history that gets lifted up each […]

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Read the order of service. There is a midrash on the story of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai which tells of two trips up the mountain. First, it is said, Moses’ sister Miriam went up to receive God’s command, after which Moses re-made the trek. Why? (Hint: It has to do with simplicity.) […]

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Read the Order of service. Worship for June 2016: “What does it mean to be a people of simplicity?” The well-known Shaker hymn tells us that it’s “a gift to be simple, a gift to be free.” Just what is the gift of simplicity? What does it have to do with freedom? And how does any […]

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May 29, 2016: What’s a Blessing?

Read the Order of Service. Monthly Theme: What does it mean to be a people of blessing? Having spent a month exploring what it means to say that we are “a people of blessing,” some of us may still be wondering about this concept of “blessing.” What is it? What isn’t it? How do we recognize […]

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Read the Order of Service. What Does it Mean to Come of Age as a UU? As a culmination of their Coming of Age class, our 8th, 9th and 10th graders lead the congregation in worship at both the 9:15 and 11:15 services. Come and hear what our fabulous youth have to share about what it […]

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Monthly Theme: What does it mean to be a people of blessing? We are frequently encouraged to “count our blessings,” yet some see the potential for more than a little hubris in this practice. It does seem, though, that this could be a remedy to the perhaps more common practice of enumerating our failures and […]

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