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March’s Ministry Theme:
The Practice of Trust

11 a.m. Sunday, March 30, 2025

“Celebrating Our Journeys”

As Unitarian Universalists we often use the metaphor of the “journey” to describe our spiritual lives. Today explore what it means to make a spiritual journey as two members of our congregation share their own stories and experiences.

Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service,
please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.


Children & Youth 

11:00 AM Children’s Program

Celebrating Me & My World (infant through 4 years-old)
Our lesson is “My World Has Light.”  We’ll be exploring the beauty and magic of our world lit by sunlight. Through song, story, and play, we’ll light our own lights shine!Children 4 years-old through 5th grade attend Children’s Worship with Rev. Leia
On this final Sunday in March, we’ll explore together through story and song how trusting others and trusting ourselves is part of our UU values. We’ll light the candles in our rainbow chalice and share our joys and sorrows. Don’t forget to bring your money for the offertory!Our 6th & 7th Grade Neighboring Faiths class will not meet this week due to Spring Break.

12:15 AM

Youth Programs

Coming of Age (8th-10th grades) and YRUU (11th & 12th grades)
do not meet this week due to Spring Break.

Please register all children (infant through high school seniors) to participate in religious education for the 2024-2025 RE year.


Click here to set up a monthly donation towards your annual pledge.


November 13, 2016: The Long View

Rev. Alex McGee and Worship Weaver Cypress Walker will help us reflect on how the “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”  This quote is based on the theology of Unitarian leader Theodore Parker (1810-1860).  Come share in comforting songs and stories.  [Note:   this will be a Social Action […]

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November 6, 2016: Truth and Story

It begins with a stoning and it ends with a stoning, and in between there are some important teachings about truth and judgement, and there’s one big challenge.  That’s my 15-second synopsis of the 8th chapter of the Gospel of John, the passage my friend, and your pastor, suggested that each of us preach from this […]

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October 30, 2016: Healing Our Past

Mainstream American culture acts as if everything important happened today, or will happen in the near future, like a car driving down the highway with no rearview mirror.  Yet the majority of other world cultures know that our past is intimately intertwined with the present.  Día de los Muertos, and festivals like it, are a […]

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As the United Nations works for human rights, how does our faith intersect to call us to action?  As October 24 is United Nations Day, and the Unitarian Universalist Association has an office at the United Nations, we will reflect on healing through policy change. [Note:  Rev. Alex McGee will be preaching.] Theme Question:  What […]

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October 16, 2016: Help Heal the World

Read the Order of service. In 2007 the Unitarian Universalist Association began a national marketing campaign which had as its tagline:  “Nurture your spirit; help heal the world.”  This might sound like a grandiose objective, were it not for that first word, “help …”  When we set our goal as helping to heal the world we […]

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October 9, 2016: Repentance and Return

Read the Order of Service. Am I in the right sanctuary?  I can see that some of you’re wondering.  Isn’t this a Unitarian Universalistcongregation?  What’s all this talk about “repentance” and “sin” and “God”?  In some religious traditions you don’t talk openly about sex, for instance, or social justice.  In ours …? Yet we know – or […]

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October 2, 2016: The Wounded Healer

Read the Order of service. Most of us take a lot of care to keep our most wounded, most vulnerable parts of ourselves as out of sight as possible.  We want to show the world our strengths, not our weaknesses.  Yet all deep spiritualties agree that our woundedness is, paradoxically, our greatest strength.  Can our wounds […]

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Everything Turns, Rotates, Spins, Circles, Loops, Pulsates, Resonates, And Repeats. Circles Of life, Born from Pulses Of light, Vibrate To Breathe, While Spiraling Outwards For Infinity Through The lens Of time, And into A sea Of stars And Lucid Dreams. That was Suzy Kassem poem, “Circle of Life.” The Autumnal Equinox was this past Thursday. It’s one […]

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September 18, 2016: The Power of a Promise

Read the Order of Service. Unlike the vast majority of religious traditions, the Unitarian Universalist faith tradition is not held together by creeds – commonly held beliefs – but by covenant – the promises we make to one another in community.  It has been this way since at least 1648 when our Congregational ancestors drafted “The […]

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September 11, 2016: From One, Many

Read the Order of Service. Our annual Balloon Sunday is a celebration of another way we live community — each of the dozens of balloons adorning the sanctuary is filled with the same “breath,” yet each remains unique unto itself.  When we release them to fly to the sanctuary ceiling we remind ourselves that we, too, […]

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