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February’s Ministry Theme:
The Practice of Inclusion

11 a.m. Sunday, February 23 , 2025

Rev. Tim Temerson & Greg Townsend
 “Why Unitarian Universalism is a DEI Religion”

Few things have been more maligned than programs promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Today’s service will deepen our understanding of the importance of DEI and explore why Unitarian Universalism is committed to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Rev. Tim will be joined by Greg Townsend, who has served as the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the UVA Medical School.

Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.


Sustainable Eating Potluck
Bring a veggie or vegan dish to share.

Children & Youth 

11:00 AM
Children’s Program
Celebrating Me & My World (infant through 4 years-old)
Our lesson is “My World Has Fish.” We’ll be going magnet fishing and celebrating the beauty and wonder of our finned friends and our wonderful world.Spirit Play (4 years-old through Kindergarten)
Our story this Sunday is The Empty Pot which reinforces the values of honesty and truthfulness. In our story a young boy named Ping is given a seed by the Emperor to grow as part of a competition to choose his successor; despite tending to his plant carefully, nothing grows, forcing Ping to present an empty pot to the Emperor, ultimately being rewarded for his honesty and integrity.Moral Tales (1st-3rd grades)
This Sunday we’ll be exploring how we each can make choices that help us tread more lightly on the earth. Our theme is “interconnections.” With an emphasis on living in balance and harmony with nature and being mindful — even shrinking — the footprint we humans leave on planet Earth, “Balance” will be added to our Moral Compass poster.

UU Lego Values (4th & 5th grades)
We’ll be continuing our exploration of the value of equity, an ever more relevant topic in these challenging times! Through games, stories, and Lego building, we’ll find concrete ways to bring this concept to participants.

Neighboring Faiths (6th &7th grades)
This Sunday is our final field trip to a Christian faith community. The class will visit Unity church. See emails from class leaders to parents for the details.

Youth Program

Coming of Age (8th-10th grades) 12:15 AM
This Sunday our Coming-of-Age youth will be exploring God questions and the nature of life. We’ll have our usual fun with a yummy snack (thanks parents!) and our “rose, bud, and thorn” check-in.  Don’t miss!

Young Religious Unitarian Universalists YRUU (11th-12th grades)
Our YRUU will continue to explore this month’s ministry theme by looking at why and how do we practice inclusion. There will be games, snacks, good conversation and fun.

Please register all children (infant through high school seniors) to participate in religious education for the 2024-2025 RE year.


Click here to set up a monthly donation towards your annual pledge.


We’ve been saying the same words of welcome to and with one another for several years now.  “Whoever you are, whomever you love, however you express your identity … you have a place here.  We all have a place here.  We all are welcome here.” At the end of this morning’s service we’re going to […]

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February 12, 2017: A Service About Service

Read the Order of Service. The members of our senior high youth group (YRUU) will be offering today’s worship, encouraging us all to explore the idea of “service” as a part of our UU identity.  Drawing on their own experiences with service – in both large and small ways – our young people will offer the […]

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Read the Order of Service. These three questions were inscribed by the artist Paul Gauguin on a painting in 1897, and they form the basis of one of our hymns.  (Where do we come from?  What are we?  Where are we going?)  They also suggest an intellectual approach to forming identity — our identity (individual or […]

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Read the Order of Service. After coming home from General Assembly this past summer, our Director of Faith Development, Leia Durland-Jones, told me that I should watch the Sunday morning service and, particularly, to listen to the sermon that had been given by the Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd.  Not that much after, our Director of Administration […]

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January 22, 2017: The Prophetic Role

“After a long absence, The Twilight Zone returns with one of the most ambitious, expensive and controversial productions in broadcast history.”  This description of a then still upcoming television program was published in a Scottish newspaper last week.  It continues, “Sci-fi writers have dabbled often with alternative history stories – among the most common is […]

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January 15, 2017: The Price of Prophecy

Read the Order of Service. On being Called Out, Called In and Showing Up.  Religious Educator, and our own Director of Administration and Finance, Christina Rivera will preach this Sunday about the ways in which Unitarian Universalism (and showing up for allyship) mean responding in new ways to being called out and called in.  Special guest […]

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January 8, 2017: The Prophetic Life

What does it mean to live a prophetic life?  What does it take to live a prophetic life?  What sorts of practices support living a prophetic life?  Rev. Alexandra McGee will help us to explore questions like these.  [Note:  This will be a Story Sunday.]

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December 25, 2016: Coming Together

There will be no worship service or RE on Christmas morning.  TJMC will be open, however, for a pot luck Christmas brunch at 10:00 am.  Whether you are looking for a place to go, or just want to expand the size of your family, this could be just the thing!

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December 24, 2016: Christmas Eve Services

4:30:   Christmas Pageant Read the Order of Service. Our annual highly participatory Christmas Pageant is a fully family-friendly event. 7:00:  UU Christian Community Our Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship offers communion in the Unitarian Universalist tradition. 8:00:  A Service of Stories and Carols Read the Order of Service. Hear the meaning of Christmas through different lenses, sing some […]

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