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June’s Ministry Theme: The Gifts of Renewal

11 a.m. Sunday, June 30, 2024


“In Their Lives: Reflections on the Beatles”  

Music Director Scott DeVeaux and Angela Orebaugh

It was twenty years ago today…no, more like sixty years ago!…that the Beatles came to America. Among those carried away by their unique sounds was Scott DeVeaux, our Director of Music, This Sunday, he will offer his own commentary on the Beatles’ creative efforts, focusing not only on their music but also on the ethical and spiritual values they managed to smuggle into rock ‘n’ roll.”

Attend In Person or
Link to Zoom Service Here

Children up to age 5 will be cared for in the nursery during the service

Children 6 and up can attend Sunday Summer Fun Co-Op .
See the information about the co-op below


Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service, please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.


Religious Education for Children & Youth
Sunday, June 23, 2024


They Deserve a Treat
Our senior high youth (YRUU) group members will be heading off to their week-long Appalachia Service Project (ASP) adventure on Sunday June 30th at 8am.During this mission trip to Central Appalachia, the youth will make homes warmer, safer, and drier for Appalachian families by providing critical repairs to raise homes out of substandard condition and establish meaningful, long-lasting relationships with homeowners and fellow volunteers.Want to show them some love?  You can do so by sending them off with yummy snacks.  Snacks need to be at the church before June 30th. Click Here to Sign Up

Sunday Summer Fun Co-op

Please be sure to register your child/children for the Summer Fun program. Your children will have lots of fun and be enriched. You can also join in the fun by volunteering for two Sundays during the summer.

Please register your children for summer fun here

Children aged 0 – 5 years may engage in free play and arts and crafts in the nursery each Sunday

Elementary aged children Kindergarten  through 7th grade are invited to join our weekly activity each Sunday.

Check in for all children is in the lower hall of the main building.



Click here to set up a monthly donation towards your annual pledge. For assistance, contact Sean.

Our service at 11am on November 1 will be “Honoring the Ancestors”.  Our whole community, young and old, will gather for that one Touchstone service that day.  To create a  virtual “Altar” of our ancestors for the Zoom worship, we would like to have a slide show of photos of your ancestors or of favorite […]

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We are pleased that the Rev. Dr. Randolph Becker – friend and colleague of Leia and Linda – will be preaching, considering that “as much as our present situation feels unique to us – full of political, physical, and spiritual peril – we gain perspective, maybe understanding, perhaps even meaning by remembering other times such […]

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The theme for October is “Deep Listening” Chapel and Faith Development for All Ages Sunday October 18 10:00AM (children, youth & adults) Chapel includes a chalice lighting, hymns and the sharing of joys and sorrows. This week’s Faith Development for all: Our faith asks us to practice compassion. It’s part of our Second UU Principle, “Justice, […]

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September Monthly Theme – Renewal “Keep Breathing!” As we welcome the New Year on this Rosh Hashana weekend, and notice the beauty of this time of Fall Equinox (when light and dark are balanced), Rev. Linda invites us to reflect on the gift of air to renew our bodies and souls.  Breathing in and out […]

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