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March’s Ministry Theme:
The Practice of Trust
11 a.m. Sunday, March 23, 2025
“We Who Believe in Freedom:
Remembering Ella Baker”
Rev. Tim Temerson & Tori Goodloe
Few leaders in the Civil Rights movement played a more important role than the late Ella Baker. She worked closely with Dr. King and founded the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). As we celebrate Women’s History Month,
Sharing Joys and Sorrows
If you would like to have a joy or sorrow shared aloud during the worship service,
please complete this form by 9AM Sunday morning.
Children & Youth
11:00 AM Children’s Program
Celebrating Me & My World (infant through 4 years-old)
Our lesson is “My World Has Darkness.” We’ll be exploring what is beautiful and magic about darkness and helping our youngest UUs feel more at home in the dark. We’ll hear a story, draw some nighttime images, and light our chalice.
Spirit Play (4 years-old through Kindergarten)
Our story this Sunday is My Many Colored Days. This story uses colors and animals to explore the range of human moods and emotions, helping children understand that it’s normal to experience different feelings on different days. We’ll practice naming and knowing our feelings and we’ll light our chalice, share our snack or “feast” and enjoy our time together as we learn.
Moral Tales (1st-3rd grades)
This session introduces and encourages the virtue of courage, and defines it as the ability to stand up for what we believe is right despite our fears. An African folk tale introduces the children to a young woman who finds the courage to stand up to a hungry lion to save her cousin. The children will then be guided to remember times when they have found the courage to do something risky. Through a game the children will be introduced to assertiveness techniques to feel more empowered to express themselves when conscience calls. “Courage” will be added to the Moral Compass.
UU Lego Values (4th & 5th grades)
This Sunday, we continue our explore our UU value of interconnection. Through story and collaborate activities, we will deepen our understanding of interconnection and why it is important to honor and value our interconnection now more than ever.
Neighboring Faiths (6th &7th grades)
We continue our learning about Hinduism this week.
Youth Program
Coming of Age (8th-10th grades) 12:15 AM
The Coming of Age class will not meet this Sunday as they have a lock-in at church on Saturday night. Details about the lock-in have been sent to parents via email.
Young Religious Unitarian Universalists YRUU (11th-12th grades)
Rev. Leia meets with YRUU this Sunday. Among other things, we’ll be talking about the upcoming worship service YRUU will lead for the congregation on April 13.
Please register all children (infant through high school seniors) to participate in religious education for the 2024-2025 RE year.
Click here to set up a monthly donation towards your annual pledge.