“Words of Thanks” a wonderful gift to the UU community. ~Ellen Longmoore


People are reading “Words of Thanks” and this is what they are saying…


“Words of Thanks is a beautiful addition to your table, providing both blessings for your meal and insight into the heart and soul of friends and members of our congregation.  It is a joy to behold and to read.” ~May Guenin

“They look great and the diversity of graces is delightful.” ~Wayne Arnason

If you were a contributor or your children were contributors, you most definitely will want a copy.  These could even become family heirlooms—they are that well-made. As one adult child of a contributor says “what an amazing and lovely gift!” (~Lenore Bajare-Dukes). The graces found in the “Words of Thanks” books are a gift to one another. Remember, “Words of Thanks” are a congregation creation! The graces contained in these books epitomize the essence of our congregation’s diversity.

If you would like to purchase a copy click here.