UUCville now has a women’s spirituality and ritual group, called WomenSpirit.
The WomenSpirit group will gather 8 times a year, to celebrate the 8 Sabbats: the seasonal festivals comprising the Wheel of the Year.
Our ritual gatherings take place from 6:30pm-8:30pm, at the UU Congregation of Charlottesville at 717 Rugby Road, in the Lower Hall (down the stairs or elevator from the main entrance level) or on the outdoor labyrinth.
Please sign up to help us plan rituals, set up, break down, participate in the ritual, and bring food and drink to share using the sign-up genius here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0945A8AC28A3FB6-uuwomen/17278494#/
We have also created a website for the group with the 2024 calendar and some resources for planning rituals: https://sites.google.com/view/womenspirit/
Our Rituals for 2024 will take place:
Feb. 2 (Imbolc)
Mar. 20 (Spring Equinox)
May 1 (Beltane)
Jun. 20 (Summer Solstice)
Aug. 1 (Lammas)
Sept. 22 (Autumn Equinox)
Oct. 30 (Samhain)
Dec. 19 (Yule)
- This is a drop-in group: You may come to any single ritual, or all of them throughout the year, and you may begin participating or drop in for a single event at at any time. Our group is always open to all women.
- Facilitation of rituals will be shared among members of the group who wish to help plan rituals and gatherings.
- There is no charge to participate, although a basket will be available for voluntary contributions towards materials, supplies, and food and drink.
- Gatherings will take place at the UU Congregation of Charlottesville, either indoors or outdoors depending on temperature and weather.
- You are always welcome to bring women friends and family, wives and girlfriends, even if they do not identify as UU.
- UU women from other area congregations and visitors are welcome, as are UU-curious women friends and neighbors.
- We welcome mature young women under 18 who are interested in becoming a part of this multigenerational women’s spirituality group.
- Cis and trans women are all enthusiastically and lovingly welcomed in this circle of sisterhood, as are non-binary folks who feel drawn to a woman-centered group celebrating the divine feminine.