Winter Solstice Lantern Walk

We invite you to create a new holiday tradition to celebrate the Winter Solstice and mark the return of the light.  We will host a drive-by solstice event between 5:30 – 7:00 PM on Sunday December 20 by the Edgewood Lane entrance of the church building.  A special gift bag will be passed out to all who attend the drive by event.  The gift bag will contain a special solstice ritual and all of the supplies needed to enjoy the ritual at home.

Between now and  December 20, you are invited to create a lantern to share and use at home on the longest night.   We will have extra battery operated tea-light candles for anyone who needs one for their lantern.  Please bring the lantern you make to the drive-by and show us from your car.   In case of inclement weather, we will host the drive-by on the following day at the same time (December 21.)

Here are some tutorials and resources for making lanterns.  These are just suggestions. Please feel free to create whatever kind of lantern you desire.

How to Create a Hanging Lantern

Using a plastic bottle as the base of your lantern

A lantern made from the shape of a balloon:

Toilet paper paper mache and leaves:



We will have a check-in station at the beginning of the walk.  Please wear and mask and dress for the weather.  You might want to bring a flashlight too.

Be in touch with any questions!

Looking forward to walking and welcoming the return of the light together.

In faith and with love,

Rev. Leia


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